Tour of the Castle

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Your POV:

I woke up with the bright sun shinning in my room. I had trouble falling asleep wondering what my gift was. I quickly got dressed and curled my hair. I picked out a neon blue plain and simple dress that went a bit past my knees. A grabbed a black belt and clipped it around my waist. I ran downstairs to find Bowser sitting at his dining table, eating a medium rare steak with his bare hands. He put down the steak as I sat in my chair.

"You sleep well?" He asked, chewing on the small pieces of steak.

I nodded, eating the warm food on my plate.

"It's almost your birthday." He smiled.

"I can't believe I'm almost nineteen." I said in astonishment.

After I said that, I started to think about the future. What would happen? Would I stay or go? Would Bowser and I, you know, get serious?

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah, what makes you say that?" I asked, confused on why I seemed suspicious.

"I've been asking you a question for three minutes and you haven't replied." He laughed.

"Well, what is the question." I asked.

"I know I already have your present, but what do you really want for you birthday?" He asked.

I thought to myself about what I wanted, but my mind went blank.
I had no idea what I wanted! There's always been something I wanted, but never had gotten.

"I'm sure, what you got me is great." I smiled.

"Yeah, it'll be great." He chuckled.

Bowser just seemed worried about something, I just can't place my finger on it...

After breakfast I went back to my room to look off my balcony. Sure, it make the entire situation like I was waiting to be rescued, but I didn't. The reason why is because the view. It's beautiful at anytime of day or night. It helped me relax and forget about the stress, all but the fact that I was going to be 19 in exactly twelve hours.

Bowser's POV:

I paced back and fourth on my balcony, stressing about Y/N's present. I did know she wanted it, but did she really want it? I'm mean like, I came up with it, so I know she'll like it.
It wasn't too expensive, considering I'm one of the richest "people" in the entire history of video games. I continued to mutter to myself as I looked up and saw Y/N  giggling at my stressing.

"You okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I muttered.

"C'mon, it's almost my birthday! Let's go and do something fun!"

"Nah, I don't really feel like it, Y/N."

"Please?" She begged.

"Okay, fine. Something simple." I sighed.

"How about, a full tour of the castle."

"Almost full tour."

"Fine, let's go then!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

I closed my door and went to the highest room of the castle.

"We'll work our way down, you asked me about here earlier."

I opened the door and looked around the room. The old stone bricks were withered and stained with blood.

"Now I understand why you hate this room."

I stared in horror at the room and rushed out. Y/N followed me out and I locked the door. We went down the second highest floor. It was only my gold room, my "precious antique" room, and some old room with dusty furniture covered in white cloth.
We continued down farther, but there wasn't anything too special, just my old throne room.

"I enjoyed looking around, it was actually kinda fun." Sapphire smiled as we stepped down the large staircase.

"Great. I did too." I replied.

We had finally reached the last step and we were on the level where our rooms were.

"That took longer than I expected, you go get some rest, it's your birthday tomorrow." I smiled, closing my door.

Sapphire closed her door and soon fell asleep. Before I fell asleep, I put her present in a medium sized box.

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