The Fight

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Your POV:

Bowser ran into my room and carried me upstairs.

"What the hell are you doing! I was trying to sleep!" I groaned, starting to wake up.

"This is the fight! I need to fight, or I'll get worse at it!" He explained as he went into the room where he always fought Mario and Luigi.

He set me into a cage chained to the ceiling and hoisted it up eight feet in the air. I felt dizzy as it shook when Bowser grew three times taller than his normal height.

"Can't I sleep?" I yawned.

"No! You can't sleep at a time like this!" He said, excitedly bounced around the room.

In a matter of seconds, Mario and Luigi burst through the doors. Mario started to fight Bowser, while Luigi climbed up the wall to unlock my cage.

"Im-a here-a to save-a you!" Luigi whispered.

He began to pick at the lock with a paper clip and I punched him right in the nose. The green plumber fell right into his back and his nose started to bleed. I cringed as it poured, but thankfully he pinched his nose to stop his nosebleed. Bowser roared, breathing huge fireballs at Mario. Mario swiftly doges them and pulled a lever, causing Bowser to fall into a pit of lava.

"Why did I even install that!" He roared as he fell into the lava pit.

I cried as he drowned in the lava sinking in deeper every second.
Mario and Luigi cheered, dancing around. My cage fell to the ground, making me shake inside. Mario and Luigi went and unlocked it, hugging me. I was beyond furious. I pushed Luigi into the pit and he didn't even try to get out.

"What the hell-a did you-a do-a that for?!" He gasped as he watched his brother drown in the flaming lava.

"You killed Bowser!" I cried, punching Mario.

"So. You want to fight-a huh." He grunted, rolling up his sleeves.

"Course I do!"

I went to push him, but he quickly dodged.

"Look-a, I really don't-a fight women."

It felt like forever. It was just me punching and pushing and Mario dodging.

"I know-a you're getting tired." He smirked.

"I'm never tired." I went into punch him, but he grabbing onto my wrist.

I pulled, but he wouldn't release.
I used all my force and flung him into the lava. I realized he was still holding onto my wrist. My whole life flashed before my eyes. Everything was in slow motion. I felt the scorching heat on my body. I started to sweat like crazy.

So this is how I die.

I begun to cry and tried to pull my hand away. I wasn't like Mario. I only had one life. I didn't have any powers. I was a weak, useless human.
Mario let go, but I was still falling.
Right as I was about to touch the lava a large hand raised out of the lava.


I quickly jumped onto the stone bricks as he pushed out of the lava.

"Quickly leave." He warned.

I ran back into my room. A koopa rushed into my room and I explained everything. He sent a few servants to go help Bowser.

* * *

I woke up and rushed into Bowser's room to see if he was alright. I looked around but he wasn't there.

But, he.... He was...

I was about to cry as I felt someone put their arm around me.

"Don't worry. I'm just fine. Are you alright?" He asked.

"Somewhat. I just need something for my burns." I smiled hugging him.

"I'll go get you an ice pack, you go rest in your room." Bowser ran downstairs as I headed to my room.

I sat up in my bed, watching tv with Bowser. The icepack stung a bit, but it felt so nice at the same time.

"I can't believe you actually fought Mario, I'm so impressed." He smiled.

"I am too." I sighed.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm just in a lot of pain." I groaned.

"Don't worry, you'll get better." He assured.

"I love you." I giggled.

"I love you more." He smiled.

The End

I hope you all enjoyed! I had so much fun writing this and I loved reason your kind comments, encouraging me to write more and more!

Thank you so much for reading!


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