Chapter 51

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I woke up the next morning and brad was still asleep

B- Brad, Brad, wake up, BRAD WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS

Br- im awake

B- merry Christmas babe

Br- merry Christmas, come on let's go downstairs

We walked downstairs and everyone was already eating breakfast

A- merry Christmas guys

Br- merry Christmas mum and dad

B- merry Christmas

N- can we go open the presents now

D- yes come on

We all went and sat in the living room and we all gave each other presents. I got a pair of converse off Anne and Derek and a Charlotte Tilbury lipstick from Nat

Br- OK Brookie your present from me

Brad handed me a small present I opened it to find a small box that contained a ring with heart with diamonds in I look up to see brad on one knee

Br- Brookie will you marry me, I know you don't want to get married right now I don't care if its next year or in 5 years or longer but I want you to be my wife

Brad looked at me with loving eyes while I cried of happiness

B- I don't know what to say, I'd love to marry you Brad

He took the ring out the box and put it onto my finger and we both stood up and he pulled me into a kiss

Br- I love you Brooklyn Irwin

B- and I love you Bradley Simpson

N- ahh congratulations I finally have a sister

B- thanks Nat

D- welcome to the family Brooke

B- thank you

Anne pulled us both into a hug

A- congrats I love you both

Br- thanks mum

A- anyway I should get dinner on

B- im going to facetime my dad

Br- OK love come down when your done me and my dad are going to play some footie in the garden


I walked upstairs and got my macbook off the desk and called Ash

A- Brookie merry Christmas

B- merry Christmas dad, is everyone else there



C- hey Brookie

L- merry Christmas

B- merry Christmas everyone I have something to tell you all

A- your not pregnant right

B- no dad

L- so what's your news

B- Brad proposed, were getting married

M- ahhhh show us the ring

I held my hand in front of the camera so they could see it

A- your not even 18 yet though Brookie

B- I know were not getting married right now were just engaged

A- as long as your happy I'm happy but I don't want to be a grandfather yet

B- don't worry dad you won't

L- congrats Brooke

C- yeah we all want invites to the wedding

B- of course you numptys and dad I want you to walk me down the isle

A- of course

M- is that a tear Ashton

A- no

C- yes it is, Brookie you made him cry

B- don't cry dad

A- im not I have something in my eye

L- yeah tears

A- shut up Luke, anyway you get back to doing what you were doing and we will see you on the 29th right

B- yep

A- OK bye Brookie

B- bye dad

L- bye

C- bye Brookie

M- see you later Mrs Simpson

B- - bye guys and shut it Clifford

A- bye

I hung up and made my way downstairs

N- soo Brookie what's it like to be engaged

B- amazing, I love brad so much

N- have you told demi

B- no shes going to kill me haha

N- don't tell her and see how long it takes for her to notice on tour

B- genius Nat

N- anyway let's go help mum with dinner

B- yeah

( a few hours later)

We have just eaten our dinner and its currently 7pm so we are all watching the muppets Christmas carol

N- so brad and brookie since your engaged does that mean your going to have a baby

Br- ye-


B- im not pregnant

Br- what I was trying to say was yes but not for a while

A- oh, I don't want to be a grandmother just yet

B- don't worry your not going to be

A- good

D- so when's the wedding going to be

Br- not yet Brookies not 18 till September anyway

A- so not for a few years

B- yeah

N- well Im coming dress shopping with you and I expect mum will want to aswell

A- of course but don't feel rushed hun especially by Natalie

B- don't worry I'm not

Br- anyway we should be going to bed we have to be in Devon by 10 tomorrow so we will have to leave early Brookie

B- ok, who lives in Devon

Br- tris he lives in Exeter

B- you do realise I'm not from here know my way round Miami and I barely know my way round in Australia

Br- don't worry love I know where I'm going

N- just

B- Nat shut up your making me nervous I'm not good when I don't know where I'm going I get anxious

N- sorry

Br- anyway let's go to bed

B- OK, night everyone

A- night hun night brad

N- night Brooke night brad

D- night guys

We walked upstairs and into Brad's room brad went to get changed in the bathroom and I got changed in the bedroom and we both got into bed

Br- night future Mrs Simpson

B- night Mr Simpson

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