chapter 16

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Im sat on my bed with my phone in my hands about to message Luke but i was a bit confused by mine and Nialls conversation. why couldnt he of just came in and said hey brookie were going shopping tomorrow wanna come but no he asks to sit i my room while i shower what found kind of weird. Anyway  i need to talk to Luke i miss him like crazy and i haven't even been away fro him for 24 hours.

B- hey x

L- hey princess xxx

B- i miss you x

L- i miss you too baby xxx

B- when will you and the others be home x

L- probably the day after tomorrow so the day before your birthday xxx

B- ok  but i miss you loads x

L- i miss you loads too baby xxx

B- can you tell dad and the others i miss them too x

L- course xxx

L- they said they miss you too xxx

B- cant you come home sooner :( x

L- why dont you like it with one direction xxx

B- yeah i love it, its just i love being with you lot more your my family and i miss you like crazy x

L- ill see what i can do baby xxx

B- okay x

L- okay xxx

B- dont only gus and hazel can do that not you x

L- babe your obsessed with that book xxx

B- yes i am and the film thats why your the best boyfriend in the world and is going to buy me the film (hint hint) x

L-ok but ash said u gotta go to bed xxx

B- oh ok talk to tomorrow i gotta go shopping tomorrow anyway x

L- night Brookie xxx

B night Luke x


I woke up to shouting i couldn't quite figure out who was shouting but it was loud. i got out bed and headed to the kitchen where i found niall and harry arguing with louis and liam trying to sort them out with zayn perrie danielle and eleanor watching.

B- what the hell is going on 

N- harry ate the last pop tart 

B- omg this seriously isnt happening, niall its just a pop tart its not like its the end of the world

L- umm brookie id run if i was you

B- what why

LI- well to niall people eating his food is the end of the world 

B- im not scared 


B- oh shit 

with that i ran as fast as in could and locked myself in my room. i might as well stay in here until niall  calms down so i went and showered and done my daily routine 

about half hour later i had showered got dressed and done my hair and makeup when i heard a knocking at the door 

B- who is it cause i swear if it you niall your going to be in trouble 

E- Brookie its me dani and perrie

B-ok hang on ill let you in 

i unlocked the door and el perrie and dani came in i locked the door behind them as i didnt particularly want niall coming in.

B- hey  guys 

D- hey so it turns out the boys have to go record for their next album so its just us girls going shopping 

B- oh ok 

P- are you disappointed 

B- no it will be cool for some girl time i live with four hectic guys i need this 

E- they cant be that bad 

B- they are that bad have you not met them

E- well yeah ive met them but they weren't really that hectic 

B- it must just be when they are at home then 

E- yeah haha

P- well off we go 

B- um perrie 

P- yeah 

B- your still in your pjs

eveyone laughed while perrie went bright red

P- oh well im going to get dressed and then were off 

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