chapter 25

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Me, Demi and Chazney got into Demis car and we set off to the shopping center. It was a quick journey, it took longer to find a parking space than to get here.Once we finally parked after Demi moaning about every space, we went in and started shopping. In the end i spent all my vouchers and all the money Ashton had given me the night before, before the argument, Chaz had spent all her money as well and now it was near enough impossible to carry anymore so we headed back to the car. Luckily Demi didnt get mobbed by fans today so it was easy to shop.

We headed home and as soon as we got back Mikey Cal and Luke helped us take our shopping up to our rooms, Demi has now moved into the room Keeley was staying in so i have my room back, as all the clothes i brought were for tour i just left them in the bags on the floor in my wardrobe. After i finished Mikey, Cal and Luke walked in 

B- hey guys 

M- hey 

L- did you have fun shopping 

B- yeah, what about you did you have fun doing what ever you were doing 

C- yeah it was ok

B- hows Ash 

L- he hasnt left his room since you left 

B- have any of you tried speaking to him

M- yeah we all have he wont reply all he says is go away

B- oh 

C- maybe you could go talk to him 

B- ok 

I got off my bed and walked to Ashtons room and Knocked on the door 

A- go away 

B- open the door or i will open it for you 

A- Brookie?

B- yeah its me 

Ashton opened the door and had teardrops on his shirt and red puffy eyes

A- come in 

B- Ash wha happened to you?

A- everyone hates me now

B- no one hates you, mad yeah but no one can ever hate you 

A- i hate me 

B- why 

A- because i made you cry 

B- its fine 

A- no its not i didnt mean i word i said to you 

B- did you mean what you said when you go on tour your leaving me here on my own 

A- you heard that

B- yes i did 

A- yeah i did mean that but only because you will be older and probably not want to be stuck with her dad all day everyday 

B- true but you forget im also going out with Luke dont you think your fans would find it a but suspicious if i didnt go, and any way id miss you all too much 

A- ok well its your choice then 

B- thank you

A- now Demis tour 

B- Asht-

A- before yu say anything im allowing you to go it will show you what tour life is like and this one you can come home whenever you want where as if you were on tour with us you would have to wait until it was break when we could go back so you a go

B- thanks 

A- what were you going to say when i cut you off 

B- oh you know just that im going weather you like it or not 

A- haha you sound soo much like lauren 

B- when can i meet them 

A- oh shit yeah you havent met your nan, auntie and uncle 

B- have you only just realised that 

A- yeah

B- haha 

A- how about i phone my mum up and see if we can go round for dinner, just me and you 

B- really

A- yeah 

B- ok 

Ashton rang his mum and asked if we could go round for dinner what she agreed to so Ashton got cleaned up and i went to tell everyone where we were going so they would know. I waited downstairs for Ash and Demi was there 

B- hey Demetria 

D- hello Brooklyn 

B- guess what 

D- uhh a cat landed on the moon

B- no, wait what

D- never mind anyway what were you saying 

B- Ashton agreed for me to go on tour 

D- yay, so have you made up

B- yeah well not fully im not going to call him dad again yet 

D- he is your dad though 

B- yeah and im spongebob

D- Brookie

B- Demi, just because he adopted me doesnt make him by dad 

D- doesnt it because i thought it did

B- i have to be able to trust him again before i can call him dad 

D- ok hun anyway Ash is waiting for you 

B- huh oh

A- you ready Brookie 

B- yup 

A- come on then

B- ok see ya later Demi

D- bye have fun 

B- will do 

We walked out and got in the car 

A- your really close to Demi aren't you 

B- yeah, shes helped me through alot even though she doesnt know it 

A- how so 

B- bout a year before you adopted me i self harmed and had a eating disorder 

A- why didnt i know about this 

B- i didnt think it was important and besides i wanted to forget about it 

A- ok carry on

B- well anyway Demis story inspired me and i overcame it 

A- well im proud of you and im sure if you told Demi she would be to 

B- she knows about my story

A- she does?

B- well yeah she just doesn't know it was me 

A- im so confused

B- i made a twitter account and we kept tweeting each other

A- but she doesnt know its you

B- no my twitter name was my surname what is obviously no longer my surname and i never had a picture of me as my profile picture and i never put a picture of me up

A- oh thats clever, what was your surname 

B- Wilson

A- so your twitter name was @wilson

B- no @BWilson, its no longer activated though as soon as i got over it i deleted everything about it 

A- ok, well we are here 

B- Ash

A- yeah 

B- what if they dont like me

A- they will love you.

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