chapter 29

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I woke up to Demi singing so i started singing with her

' give a little time to me or burn this out

we'll play hide and seek t turn this around 

all i want is the taste that your lips allow 

my, my, my, my, oh give me love 

my, my, my, my, oh give me love

my, my, my, my, oh give me love

my, my, my, my, give me love'

D- Brookie that was amazing why didnt you tell me you could sing

B- because i cant sing 

D- you just did and you were amazing 

B- uh thanks 

D- do you want to sing that song with me while were on tour 

B- uh i dunno ive never sang in front of people before 

D- you just sang on a plane full of people 

B- oh yeah 

D- so will you 

B- i suppose so 

D- yay 

B- your such a child 

D- am not

B- we are not starting this again

D- fine 

M- guys were landing 

D- ok Max

B- okie Maxine 

M- what 

B- Maxine is your new nickname only im allowed to call you it though 

M- why 

B- because you call me kid and no one else is allowed to 

M- okay then

We got off the plane and grabbed our bags Max had all but one of mine and another person who i dont know their name yet has Demis. Demi spoke to some of the fans and i helped by taking pictures for the girls. I started talking to 2 girls how i learnt was called Jess and Kerrie who are really cool

K- so how come your with Demi 

B- shes friends with my Dad, uncles and boyfriend and for my birthday shes taking me on tour with her 

J- thats soo cool whos your dad

B- Ashton irwin

K- omg your Brookie Irwin and your boyfriend is Luke Hemmings 

B- thats me 

J- this is soo cool i cant believe im talking to Brookie Irwin 

D- hey Brookie whos this 

B- hey Dem this is 2 of your fans Jess and Kerrie they are soo cool

K- can we have a picture with you 

D- sure 

B- do you want me to take it for you

J- we want you to be in it

B- really

K- sure

D- let me go get Max

M- hey Kid what do you want 

B- can you take a picture of me and Demi with Jess and Kerrie 

M- sure thing 

Max took the picture and told us we had to go so i told Jess and Kerrie to write their phone numbers and twitter names on a bit of paper what they did. When we got in the car i followed them both on twitter and texted them so they had my number and warning them not to give it out to anyone and they both said they wouldnt.

Its currently 1:30 so we decided to go book into the hotel, it took about half an hour to get there and Max booked us in we had 2 rooms one for Max as they other bodyguard wasnt staying with us and one for me and Demi. We went to our room and it was huge it had 2 double bed and 2 wardrobes and obviosly a bathroom and it had a small kitchen not that we will use it as Demi cant cook and i can only make cakes and cookies what m Dad taught me how to do before he died.

D- so what shall we do 

B- i dunno i was going to go to the shop and get some stuff to make some cakes 

D- ooh lets do that 

B- you miss lovato are not helping as i quite like this hotel and i dont want it to be burnt down as we are too high up to escape 

D- oh ok

B- well im going to the shop i saw one on the way here 

D- do you want me to come

B- its up to you 

D- sorry Brookie i can i gotta go to sound check i will get Max to come back with you 

B- ok Dem 

D- have you got you phone key and money 

B- yup what about you 

D- yup 

B- lets go then

 I headed to the shop while Demi and Max got in the car, i had to go to the arena after i made the cookies as Demi is making me perform so i had to do sound check as well. I got what i needed from the shop and headed back to the hotel and there was a few fans outside and there was security guards standing outside stopping them from going in, i pushed past and one of the guards stopped me from going in

G- no fans inside the hotel 

B- do you not know who i am 

G- no 

B- im Brookie Irwin and im on tour with Demi Lovato i have a key for mine and her room, i can also call her and confirm if you dont believe me

G- sorry go on i ma'am 

B- thanks


B- huh yeah, Kerrie hey, is Jess with you 

K- yeah 

J- im here 

B- come inside its a bit hectic out there, there my friends before you stop them 

G- ok please go in though

B- ok come on

We went up to my room and Kerrie and Jess sat on the bed 

J- soo what you up to

B- i was going to make cookies then i got mobbed 

K- ohh

B- well Demis expecting cookies so do you two want to help

K- sure

J- ok 

B- Max should be here in a minute to get me but he can wait 

K- i think hes at the door

B- huh what 

J- someones at the door

B- oh

M- hey kid

B- hey Maxine 

M- whos this 

B- Kerrie and Jess from the airport

M- hey girls you coming to the show tonight 

K- no we cant afford tickets 

M- if you come with me and Brookie when we go to sound check you can stand backstage 

J- omg really

K- yes please 

B- now lets make these cookies

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