Chapter 54

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We got off the train and Nat was sat in her car waiting for us, Brad put our bags in the car while i got into the passenger seat and Brad then getting into the back

Br- why am i always in the back

B- your not always in the back, i was in the back in james' car on the way to trisy's house

Br- ok then why am i always in the back in Nats car

N- because naughty children go in the back

B- and I'm Nats favourite

Br- wow my sister has replaced me with my own girlfriend

N- yep now deal with it

Br- ok so Brookie were going to go home pack all our things ready for tomorrow and then we need to quickly get back to the train station for your surprise

B- ok can you yell me what this surprise is now

Br- i could but I'm not going to

B- oh thats mean

Br- well cmon lets go

I got out the car and followed everyone inside and went upstairs to start packing once i had done i was literally pushed out the door with a quick 'have fun' from Anne

B- Brad can you atlas tell me where we are going

Br- on the train

B- no shit, where on the train

Br- well if i told you it would ruin the surprise

We got to the train station and we got on the train, Brad still wouldn't tell me where we were going but in the end i just gave up asking. A few hours later and after changing trains got knows how many times we finally got to our destination. We are in Brighton. i started to wonder why Brad brought me here but i knew there was no point in asking as he wouldn't give

anything away. Brad called for a taxi and he went to get us a caramel hot chocolate from the costa at the train station while we waited. We got in the taxi and Brad gave the driver an address and i wondered who could live here but again there is no point in asking as i won't get anywhere. We eventually pulled up and Brad payed the driver and we got out the car to see a row of beautiful houses

Br- cmon Brookie

B- why are we here

Brad knocked on one of the doors and a very professional looking lady answered

- ah you must be Mr and Mrs Simpson I'm Caroline and ill be showing you around today

B- actually were no-

Br- yep thats us

C- perfect come on in, so this house has 6 bedrooms 4 of them having ensuite bathrooms and then there is the main bathroom, there is this spacious living room and then through here is a beautiful kitchen and dining room

Br- this house is amazing, Brookie what do you think

B- its beautiful Brad

C- shall i leave you two to have a wonder round

Br- yes please

Caroline left and we had a look upstairs where there was the 6 bedrooms and the bathroom, there was also some cupboards what would be great for storage

Br- so Brookie would you like to live here

B- really

Br- yeah

B- Brad i love it here this house is beautiful

Br- well lets go buy it then

B- Brad, i love you

Br- i love you too Brookie, more than you'll ever know

We went to find caroline and we signed some form and brad payed for the house and my thoughts wonder to Ashton and the guys, i haven't even told them I'm moving out hopefully they will be supportive.

Br- all done, its ours Brookie

B- I cant wait to move in and make it a home

Br- well we had better get going or we will miss our flight back to Australia

B- ok, i cant wait to see my dad again and the others

Br- yeah its nice to spend the holidays with both our families and when we get there we can give them their christmas presents

B- or we could go to sleep and wait till tomorrow

Br- or we could do that

We got in a taxi back to the train station and got the train back to Birmingham where Nat, Anne and Derek were waiting to take us to the airport. We got in the car and we made our journey there. Once we got to the airport Brad and Derek got our bags out the car and i said my goodbyes to Nat and Anne

N- bye Brookie have a nice time back in Australia and look after Brad he's not as tough as he makes out to be

B- i will and i know he's a child at heart but i love him

N- good ill see you when you come back

B- yeah ill be back in a about a month with Demi so ill pop in and see you all

A- yeah our home is yours now Brookie your welcome whenever you like

B- thank you Anne

Br- we have to go Brookie

B- well say goodbye to your parents and sister Bradley, we have time for that

Br- bye mum bye dad bye Nat

A- bye baby now treat Brookie right

Br- i always will

N- see ya later bro

Br- bye Nat

D- see you guys later yeah

Br- yeah bye dad

B- bye i cant wait to see you all again

A- anyway you better go or you will miss your flight

Br- yeah bye

B- bye

We got on the plane and found or seats. i put in my earphones and fell asleep knowing it will be a long journey home.

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