chapter 38

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N- are you sure they are not on they bus

C- were positive for the tenth time 

N- im just making sure

M- come and check if you dont believe us 

N- fine 

They opened the door and we sprayed them with the silly string and they started to scream

M- what the actual fuck 

B- you three are idiots 

I pointed to Luke Rissa and Cher

L- oh god Brookie theree you are you scared me 

B- did you not think to check the back room 

C- oh yeah i guess we forgot about that 

D- oh really

C- yeah 

D- well Brookie went to get our phones and she said that Luke was the only one who looked worried and that you two were just sat there watching tv

M- uh we were trying not to think about it

C- it was quiet ok im sorry

M- yeah

N- well if you all dont mind you all need to get to sound check 

D- cmon Brookie and Dj- we better go

B- yeah y'all might wanna get washed up silly string aint a good look though its soo funny

L- hang on Brookie

B- yeah 

L- i need to give you a hug

B- yeah once youve got that shit off ya

L- oh 

B- see ya later ok babe gotta go to sound check

L- bye babe 

We walked to sound check and obviously i was last so i sat there watching everyone, just before Cher went up Luke came and sat with me 

L- so about that hug 

B- what about it 

L- you owe me a hug

B- why would you think such thing 

L- well first of all you scared us all by hiding in the back room with Demi-

B- yur the idiot who didnt thiink of looking there

L- secondly you sprayed us with silly string-

B- Dinahs idea

L- and thirdly your my girlfriend

B- hmm i guess i do owe you a hug 

I stand up and Luke copies me 

L- yeah you do 

B- well you will have to catch me first 

I start running and Luke starts running behind me 





L- I AM 


L- NO 

i ran into the ladies toilets and locked the door out of breath, i was still struggling to breath after 10 minutes, i opened the door and Luke was there

L- are you ok 

B- go --- get ----- Demi----- tell her------to c-come---- here----- then you--------go get------my asthma--------inhaler----- out --------my bag---------on the-------bus

L- ok im going

Luke literally runs to get Demi and i slide down the wall outside the bathroom, i see Demi running towards me with Max, Natalie, Marissa and Perrie 

D- omg Brookie are you ok

B- cant----breath

D- its ok sweetie Lukes getting your inhaler, Perrie get Ash on loud speaker, Max go call and abulance

M- already done it Demi

D- thanks Max

P- Demi here's Ashton


D- i dont know Ash i think shes having an asthma attack 


D- well for starters Ashton you dont have to shout and secondly her and Luke were messing around and Brookie was running away from Luke and Luke was chasing her

A- ok im sorry, are the ambulance comin-

L- heres her inhaler

D- thanks Luke

Luke hands me my inhaler and i take it and the ambulance people come running in 

Z- heya sweetie im Zoe i work at the hospital how are you feeling

B- cant breath---- it hurts------- better now--------had my inhaler

Z- ok sweetie were going to hook you up to this machine to help you breath ok 

B- ok,------is daddy still---------on the ------phone Demi

D- yeah 

A- Brookie im right here ok

B- ok------ can you come------ here

A- sure Mikeys just booking a plane 

B- are they ----- coming too

A- yeah 

B- yay

Z- you will need to rest for a few days

B- can--- i---- still perform

Z- not for a while im going to have to say a weeks rest no performing 

B- but----

D- Brookie the fans can last a week with out your amazing talent 

B- yeah -- i know --- they are here ------ for you----- i just really------enjoy it 

D- i know you do i can see it in your performances, you had your fist performance last night and you didnt look nervous at all it looked like you were at home

B- oh well

A- Brookie

B- yeah

A- I dont want you near that stage until im there ok 

B- okay 

A- well im going to pack ok

B- ok bye----daddy

Z- ok you need to get into bed ok

B- ok 

Z- if you need us again ask for me ok and i will be there no matter what time it is

B- thank you 

Z- some one needs to be with her at all times 

L- well good thing im not leaving your side

B- love you Lukey

L- love you too 

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