chapter 37

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I woke up and Brookie wasnt beside me. I jumped out og bed and went looking for her, i walked into the living room and Marissa and Cher was in there

L- hey have you see Brookie 

M- no we havent seen Demi either she isnt in her bunk 

C- they may of gone shopping or something

L- but then wouldnt they of left a note, have they left a note?

C- nope no note 

M- i dont know where theyve gone then have you checked the other girls buses 

L- no i will go 

C- ok

I walked over to fifth harmonys bus first and knocked on the door and Ally answered 

A- hey Luke what brings you over

L- is Brookie and Demi here we cant find them 

A- no did they go out

L- no they would of left a note or sent a text

A- true, well they aint here try Little mix

I walked over to Little Mix's bus and knocked on the door and Perrie answered

P- grr whos knocking on the door at this hour, oh hey Luke

L- hey Pez seems like someones in a good mood

P- shut up

L- anyway is Demi and Brookie here we cant find them

P- no i will le you know if they come over here

I walked back to the bus im staying on and sat in the living room

C- any luck

L- no

M- ive tried ringing both Demis and Brookies phones but they are both in their bunks 

L- well i know Brookie and she wont go anywhere without her phone

M- niether will Demi 

C- i think give it and hour and if they dont show up will will tell Natalie and take it from there

L- yeah 


I woke up cuddled up to Demi and i could hear talking 

B- hey Dem wake up

D- why are we whispering 

B- i think they think were missing Listen 

C- any luck

L- no

M- ive tried ringing both Demis and Brookies phones but they are both in their bunks 

L- well i know Brookie and she wont go anywhere without her phone

M- niether will Demi 

C- i think give it and hour and if they dont show up will will tell Natalie and take it from there

L- yeah 

D- omg we better go out and tell them 

B- or we could prank them

D- yeah i like your idea better, so what do we do

B- well they will all go to tell Natalie right

D- yeah 

B- so we hang out here until we hear the door close and then we go sit in the living room and when they come back they will start asking where we were so we say weve been there the whole time

D- genius but i think we need to get Dinah in with it 

B- but we havent got our phones

D- oh yeah shit 

B- i will go get them 

D- you will get caught 

B- then i will say i was in the shower and then we just prank them with you 

D- ok but try not to get caught i dont wanna be back here on my own

B- i will try 

D- ok hurry back

I crept out the back room and grabbed mine and Demis phones i cound see Luke pacing around and Cher and Rissa watching tv while trying to get Luke to sit down, i quickly ran back to the back room quietly shutting the door and locking it behind me 

D- did you get caught 

B- no Lukes pacing around and Cher and Rissa are watching tv

D- wow shows that Lukes the only one who cares 

B- yeah 

D- ok so i will text Dinah

B- okie 

I looked over at Demis phone so i could see what she was putting 

D- hey Dj so we are pranking Luke Rissa and Cher they think were missing but we are in the back room DO NOT TELL ANYONEanyway so we need you help they are giving us an hour to show before they go tell Natalie and we need you to prank them even more as you are the best at pranking people, i guess thats were Brookie learns her skills ive watched her watch your funny moments on YouTube, so yeah please help

love Demi and Brookie

Dinah replied almost instantly

DJ- wow Dem nice paragraph, anyway you came to the right person. your secret is safe with me and i love this prank so what do you want me to do

D- Well when they go tell Natalie they will want someone to wait here o you need to offer, and we will come out and sit in the living room and we all gotta say that me and Brookie was there all along 

DJ- ok but i need to do more than that you know me go big or go home

D- ok so what do you want to do 

DJ- well when they come back we will get some silly string and spray them with it


DJ- my suitcase

D- really, you have silly string in your suitcase 

DJ- yeah bout 7-8 cans of it

D- what else have you got in there

DJ- uh different colour hair dye to put in peoples shampoo, uh glitter, permanent markers, a few fake rats and spiders what im telling you look so real and thats about it 

D- geez DJ 

DJ- anyway its almost been an hour im coming over 

D- ok

we hear a knock on the door 

C- hey Dinah what are you doing here

DJ- well i thought you should go tell Natalie that they've disappeared 

M- we are we were giving it an hour what is about now

DJ- do you want me to wait here in case they show up 

L- yeah thanks 

M- we better go now then 

i hear them exit the bus and footsteps towards the door of the back room 

DJ- he guys its me 

i unlock the door and open it

B- hey DJ, got the silly string 

DJ- yup come on get into position 

We walked into the living room and all sat down somewhere with a can of silly string hidden on us somewhere...

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