chapter 28

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All of the 1D guys went home minus Lou and El as they were coming to the airport as they were going to Florida to fill out the forms for Chaz tomorrow so we decided to get all the quilts and pillows and have a sleepover in the living room. Me and Luke slept on the recliner, Chaz slept on the armchair, the sofa i found out pulled out into a bed so Louis and Eleanor slept on there and Mikey, Cal,Demi and Ash slept on the floor.

We woke up the next morning around 4 and Eleanor made Breakfast what wasnt pancakes, it turns out she can actually cook. We all ate our breakfast and got dressed, i just put on some sweat pants and a oversized tshirt and put my hair in a messy bun and took my bags downstairs. Demis security was meeting us at the airport and they would help us with our bags we couldnt carry our self, Luke and Ashton helped me with mine and Mikey helped Demi with hers as she didnt need as much as me as her stylists would provide most of her clothes and stuff she would need.

We got in the cars but as we didnt all fit in one we had to take two so it was me, Luke Ash, Mikey and Demi in one and Louis, Eleanor, Chaz and Cal in the other. By the time we got to the airport it was 5:30 and our flight was at 6 and Lou, El and chaz's was at 5:45 so they were going before us. We all waited for the flight to Florida and when it was called we all said our goodbyes, then it was just waiting  for mine and Demis flight what seem to have taken ages to be called and Ash wouldnt shut up 

A- Brookie have you got your phone 

B- yup

A- what about the money i gave you 

B- in my handbag 

A- did you pack enough clothes 

B- ive packed near enough everything i got and i can wash clothes aswell im not stupid 

A- im just making sure 

B- im going to be fine 

A- i know that im just going to miss you 

B- im going to miss you too

M- Ash

A- yeah 

M- stop hogging Brookie we want to say goodbye too 

A- ok  hang on, Brookie if you ever need me call me also if you want to come home you just let us know ok

B- yeah ok

M-my turn 

B- ok Mikey i got my phone i got money i know i can call you whenever and if i want to come home i can 

M- i dont give a shit about all that just stay safe

B- i will

M- im gunna miss you 

B- i will miss you too

M- bye Brookie

B- bye Michael

C- im gunna miss you little one 

B- im not going forever your all making out that im never coming back 

C- Just dont forget about us while our away 

B- how could i do that your the idiot who burnt himself in his private place 

C- shut up

B- bye Cal 

C- bye Brookie

B- im going  to miss you the most Luke 

L- im gunna miss you more babe 

B- your crying dont cry 

L- its hard not to 

B- i know ive been trying to keep my tears in all morning 

By now i was crying into Lukes chest and he was crying into my hair 

B- Luke your getting my hair wet 

L- your getting my shirt wet

B- at least you got your hoodie 

L- oh yeah i packed a few of my hoodies in one of your bags for you in case you get cold or miss me 

B- i love you soo much Luke

L- i love you too Brookie

D- Brookie we gotta go 

B- ok bye Luke 

L- bye babe 

I gave Luke a kiss and everyone else a hug and went with Demi onto the plane. I sat next to the window ,Demi sat next to me and Max sat the other side of Demi and we took off. I still had tears falling from my eyes 

D- hey hey come on its ok just think you get to go home whenever you want i have to wait untill its over 

B- i guess your right

D- im always right im Demi Lovato

B- your soo big headed

D- omg Max did you hear this

M- what Demi 

D- Brookie called me big headed 

M- well technically she isnt wrong 

B- thanks Max 

M- no problem kid 

D- well geez my best friend and my bodyguard are bullying me 

B- Dem were joking 

D- i know haha

M- this is going to be a long flight 

B- where are we going first 

D- Baltimore 

B- cool so the states 

D- yeah we are doing all of the states and Canada and then were going to do Australia and new zeland 

B- coolios this is going to be soo cool

D- know right

M- guys shut up 

B- hey Dem can we swap places i want to sit next to Max

D- ok sure

M- why did you want to sit next to me 

B- oh no reason

M- ok

After a few hours i started getting bored so i decided to try what i done with Ash an d Luke when they first adopted me to Max 

B- Max

M- yeah 

B- im bored 

M- put your headphones in like Demi

B- but i dont want to 

M- ok then play a game on your phone

B- but thats boring 

M- i dont know what else to suggest kid go to sleep or harass Demi 

B- hmm ok i think im going to go to sleep wake me up when were about to land as Demis in her own little world 

M- ok kid 

B- is kid my new nickname then 

M- yeah why not 

B- okay then

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