chapter twelve

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  • Dedicated to Acmwe Sophia Kabairuka

well you marvelous's the next chapter enjoy...not proof read...

I decided to wear my ebony coloured leggings and a turquoise mixture with black colour tank top for school next day. The tank top was long enough to cover my bum but tight enough to expose a bit of my figure to anyone with eyes.

I slightly added make up to that and carried my school bag downstairs with me to the car. I expected to see dad but he was not around so I grabbed a sandwich and left. Toni looked at me as I picked her up. “You sure look like you want to promote trouble.”

“You guessed it.” She grinned wildly as I did. “By the way I have a birthday coming up and I’m thinking what to. Want to help me plan it?”

“What are friends for? I will help.” We talked about different themes as we got to school; it’s not every day that a girl like Toni turned eighteen.

The school was almost full. I parked the car in the normal parking space and together we went into the school as we usually did. I found the new boy who was really dead hot according to Toni near my locker struggling to open the locker. I smiled. “It’s really easier if you just punch the thing you know?”

He grinned. “Punch? You like doing that don’t you Abby?”

I frowned. “How do you know me?”  So what if I sounded really rude but curiosity tended to do that sometimes.

His smile never wavered as he raked his dirty blond hair from his face. “You are kind of popular around here and I did get to see you throw a real nice punch yesterday...” but along what he said, something kept tugging in my mind...he looked so familiar.

I lightly slapped my forehead. “I’m not usually violent. It’s just that Britney really deserved that.”

“If you say so Madame.” he managed to open his locker as he talked to me. Taking out a few books he finally remembered to introduce himself. “By the way, I’m Alexander Benson.”

“Nice meeting you Alexander.” as he turned around to leave my mind took a turn to inspect if my assumptions last night were correct. I opened the part of myself that I rarely did and took in his scent.

As it all clicked in my mind I opened my eyes, turning sharply to look at Alex’s figure which was retreating around the corner.

He was one of them.

But a rogue yet his scent marked him as familiar to me. Where the hell had I seen him or was paranoia getting the best of me?

Toni came running towards me with a certain look on her face. “You won’t believe what just happened a second ago!”

“You kissed someone?”

“No...But it’s better. That new kid, he’s name is Alex and he just asked me out like right now.”

“And you said yes?”

She threw a fake glare at me. “That would only marked me as desperate so I told him I’d take a rain check because I was busy or I think that is what I hoped I said.”

I smiled. “Well all the best with this guy just don’t fall too hard.”

“Yeah” We headed to class and I didn’t fail to notice the way some of the wolves stared. I just rolled my eyes shrugging them off like I cared. They probably thought I lost my mind or they were admiring me for having big enough guts to punch Brittney.

First class lasted only five minutes in complete boredom and took a turn for the better when Brittney entered class looking very smug. The teacher asked. “Do you happen to have any reason as to why you are late Miss Gregory?” That was her last name? Gregory?  She should have been named butch or something near that.

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