chapter nineteen

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  • Dedicated to Annette Swai

                                                                   Chapter nineteen

I tensed while my heart was hammering fast...

So this was it...he was going to tell me and I would reject him...and it would be over. Wasn’t this what I wanted? So why was I feeling like I was drowning?

“Are you okay?” he asked. “You look really pale...” he continued, a certain worry echoing in his voice. I heard him but I didn’t say anything for a while...he asked again and I replied.

“Yeah...I’m fine you are the one t hat’s worrying for nothing.” I put on a fake smile which I could rock too.

He was as calm as I stared at him at this point. And heavens help me I was falling for him no matter how much hard I tried not to...

I shook myself. Falling didn’t necessarily mean falling in love right?

He raked his hair sighing and smiled down at me. “You know what forget that. Come on the night is still young and we haven’t even gone out to the other places I planned yet.”

It took me a second to realize what was happening. When I did I stopped following him. “Other places? Tell me now whatever you wanted to say...”

He shook his head. “Take a rain check Abby. Right now we’ve got other places to explore.”

Reluctantly I agreed as I knew that if I did not he might as well kidnap me again. I gave the beach one more look as I hurriedly went into the car...this night was not so bad after all.

Well, any night with Preston around is never a bad night, a part of me argued and for once I didn’t argue knowing full well that it was the truth. After all that was happening, I was his mate and isn’t life supposed to be at its best when you spend it with them?

I smiled as he started the ignition and a minute later we were on our way.

The restaurant he took me was one of those fancy hotels where even the waitresses’ resumes’ included several foreign languages. I refused to enter at all...I didn’t feel like eating at such a place anyway.

We ended up at a fast food restaurant that was open after dark and ordered burgers and chips with some cold drinks. I couldn’t help but feel like all this was right.

As the waitress brought our food she smiled at both of us and gave us our orders.  We started the meal in silence and somewhere along the way the course changed as conversation slowly picked up between us... it was not bad as I found myself enjoying the rest of meal.

One hour later we headed out to another stop which happened to be the maroon 5 concert he had been talking about earlier while we were in school.

It was an amazing night.


The concert was perfect and somehow, we managed to get out in one piece though it was crowded and people were all trying to get out at the same time.

Some part of me knew Preston would not let anything happen to me at all.

As we got into his car it was I noticed the weather had changed considerably since the last time I was outside. It was like magic....almost as if something was changing to night for a purpose.

He switched on the vehicle’s ignition and started driving slowly into the main road and finally started with the need for speed driving that he liked.

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