chapter sixteen

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  • Dedicated to Monica Ignas

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Chapter sixteen

The drive to my house was the most silent drive of my life.

 Preston looked to be caught up in his thoughts as if he was thinking of something that would change his life. I kept glancing over at him every other second but he was too engrossed in his mind to notice. If he did then he was darn good at hiding it.

I on the other hand was still pissed about earlier but the silence treatment had me thinking that I had truly overreacted.

He had my best interest at heart...right?

And here I was overreacting but I just hated being ordered around.

I was so lost in mind that I barely noticed we had stopped in front of my house and Preston was looking at me waiting for me to make a decision. When he noticed I was not coming out of my stupor at any moment he finally spoke, “unless you want to go back with me you can get out.”

His voice was fused with anger he was trying to conceal but failing.

My eyes snapped at his...and it was like hearing him mad fuelled my own temper. I got out of the car slamming the door as hard as I could.

I walked two steps when I decided to go back to the car. I stopped a mere seconds from his window, he looked at me with an expressionless face. “I don’t need your protection. I can protect myself.”

He raised his eyebrow.

“But I’m not stupid to realize you saved my butt last night so thank you.” I finished and walked into my house without another glance.

As soon as I closed the door I hurried into my room. I knew dad was not at home hence there was no way he would stop to ask me questions.

 The first thing I did was go straight into the shower where I stayed for some time lost in the world that my mind was creating.

Later the same day, Toni made it a point to come visit me. She had lots of questions about my whereabouts but the first was “you and Preston?”

The only expression on my face was pure confusion. “Me and him?”

“everybody is assuming at school and since they saw the two of you together last night leaving in his car...then you both did not come to school today...people interpreted the whole are you?” she smiled as politely as  she could. “Are you together with him now?”

I groaned. “Toni, I just made a bet with him okay? Nothing is going on with us.” I really wished I could tell her everything but some secrets were better left in the dark. Soon enough she would know anyway if Alex was really her mate.

“So you say.” she murmured steeping aside so she could jump onto my bed.

“Don’t you have a hangover or something?”

“Or something” she said moving to check the pictures I had in the album.

“I had a little too much to drink or rather say Britney drugged me.”

“She what?” that brought her back to life.

I repeated myself. My memory of last night had slowly come back to me as the day had proceeded. And I found myself a little mad at Brittney than I expected. We were at war but then she had just gone a little overboard with the drugs issue hence I was about to go overboard too.

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