Chapter 1

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The day that I woke up away from home was the worst day of my life. My name is Amber. I'm stuck on a ship in the middle of a cove that's part of a somewhat deserted island. I ended up on this ship because I got a shadow. It showed up at my door with a rope and sack, knocked me out, tied me up, threw me in the sack, and dropped me on the ship.

Now, I'm trapped on a pirate ship, the Jolly Roger. The pirates only give me just enough food to keep me alive. They keep whispering about "exchange" between their captain and some "demon". Apparently, I'm part of that exchange. But, why?

So, I sit tied to the mast, awaiting my fate, hopelessly begging for someone to come and rescue me. But, sadly, I know that will never happen. Unless someone realizes that I'm gone and comes to my rescue. When I do get rescued, my liberator will probably leave me to fend for myself on the island.

Soon, I hear the sound of something silently treading water below me. Great. Probably some wicked animal that wants to tear me apart. On the left side of the ship, a boy with a cloak appears on the deck. He looks about sixteen, the same age as me.

I want to cry out and beg him to untie me. But, as soon as I get the idea, he puts a finger to his lips, signaling me to be silent. I expect him to cut me loose, because he pulls out a dagger. But, he does something else first. He cuts a rope tied to a stack of crates.

He picks up one of the crates, and as soon as he lifts it up, I realize that it's filled with mangoes and coconuts. Some of them drop on the deck. This boy is really clumsy, I think to myself. But then, I realize that he's smirking. I try not to laugh out loud. He did it on purpose, I think.

One of the pirates turns his head and says, "Captain, the boy is stealing from you!" As soon as he hears this, the captain whips out his sword and leaps at the boy.

"Thought you'd get away this time, eh boy?" He snarls.

"Actually...this is exactly what I wanted to happen, Hook," they boy says with a smile as he whips off his cloak, revealing himself as a boy with light brown, somewhat curly hair. I also notice that he's wearing a dark green outfit made of what looks like different pieces of leather.

Before the captain gets the chance to give the boy a blow with his blade, the boy does something really unexpected. He flies about ten feet off the deck and, thankfully, out of the captain's reach.

"Too high for you, eh Captain?" the boy taunts.

"Oh if only I could come up there and slit your a man and come down! Unless you're scared that you won't get off of this ship alive..."

"Me? Scared of death? Never! I fear nothing!" the boy roars.

"Then stop being a coward and face your fate, boy," the captain hisses with an evil gleam in his eye. For a tiny second, I actually feel scared for the boy. My heart seems to beat out of my chest.

"Well...if you insist," the boy says with a smirk.

Then, it happens. They boy swoops down starts to fight the captain. I admit, he's a very good swordsman for only 16, because he counters every one of the captain's attempts to cut him to pieces. He gets only a few minor cuts. But, the captain swings his sword in a direction that the boy didn't expect, and knocks him out cold with the hilt of his sword.

The captain pitilessly walks away, thinking that he's won. But, I notice the one thing I certainly don't expect. The boy slightly opens one of his eyes. I pretend not to notice so the pirates don't get suspicious.

The boy crawls over to me. He unties me, hands me a small red velvet sack, and quickly whispers three words into my ear: "Use the dust". And, as soon as I'm free of the ropes that had bound me earlier, he runs off. I quickly sprinkle the dust all over myself. In the moment, I'm unaware that I get slowly lifted off of the ground.

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