Chapter 15

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I wake up, and I find Peter sitting on the foot of my bunk. Just like the day that I found out that he was trying to take my heart.

"Hey," I say with a small smile.

"Good morning. So, you're not going to run away, are you?" he asks me, raising an eyebrow.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I say with a sarcastic smile as I rub my eyes.

"Good...because I'd hate to kill you, you know," he says, lightly brushing my cheek.

"Well, that's a newsflash, isn't it?" I say as I pull away. He rolls his eyes but ignores my comment.

"Hey, do you want to go swimming?" he asks with an obviously fake smile.

"Sure...are we gonna leave now?" I ask.

"But wait...we haven't even had breakfast yet, Amber," he fake whines with a chuckle.

"Very funny, Peter. We'll eat then we'll go swimming, alright?"

"Fair enough," Peter says as he walks away. When he returns, I see that he's carrying a crate of fruit (which happens to be one of the same crates that he stole the day that he rescued me from Hook and his crew), and he hands me a banana.

"Thanks," I say. Then, we eat in silence.

When I finish my banana, Peter takes my hand and we fly over to a small lake.

"Well...jump in!" Peter says as he takes off his shirt and plunges into the water.

I reluctantly jumped in fully clothed. When I get into the water, I get only my head out of the water and look around. No sign of Peter. "Where did you go, Pan?" I whisper.

Peter answers my question by coming up behind me and using both hands to repeatedly splash my face. I laugh out loud.

"STOP! Wait! PETER!!" I whine as I pretend to fall into the water, unconscious.

"AMBER!" He yells as he stops splashing me and helps me up.

"HA!" I yell as I splash him mercilessly. Peter swims down into the water to get away.

Where did you go? I think to myself as I look around. Peter answers me by pulling me under, giving me just enough time to hold my breath.

When I go underwater, I see Peter just inches away from me with a smirk on his face.

Then, he comes closer to me and slowly and passionately kisses my lips. The kiss is like nothing that I've ever felt before. Especially from Peter. It's very surprising. But, I don't stop him. I just let us both sit there. My chest slightly gives off a golden glow. I slightly panic, because I definitely don't want Peter to notice, so I swim up to the surface. Peter follows me.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Like you actually care," I answer, rolling my eyes.

"Right...cause I obviously don't," he says with a fake smile.

"Whatever..." I say as I splash him again.

"Oh, so we're going to do that again, are we?" he says as he splashes me back. We continue that for who knows how long until we get tired of it and decide to go back to Hangman's Tree. When we get back, he tucks me in.

"I had fun today, Little Bird," Peter says as he brushes my cheek.

"So did I, Peter. But that doesn't change one thing between us, understood?" I say as I sit up.

"Suit yourself," he says, holding up his hands in mock surrender, softly kissing my cheek. Then, I fall asleep. The whole night, I dream about me falling in love with Peter and him betraying me when he finds out. Every time, I wake up, silently sobbing. And, every time, Peter comforts me.

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