q&a on Eliza and me❤

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So i got a few questions in the comments, a loadddd through messaging, a few on fanfiction.net and a few on ao3 so i thought I'd answer them now :)

If i get any more I'll answer them at the end of each part.

How old were you when you had Eliza?

I was 17 :)

Do you live with your parents?

No we have our own place because Alex has a very good job (he's just become a teacher)

How old is Alex?

He's 23

How long have you been together?

4 years (yes i was very young :) )

How is it being a teenage mom?

Its hard at times, but i wouldn't ever change it!

Are you ever going back to school?

I do, i do weekend classes at my local college and extra curriculum for the main course i study.

Does Alex know about this book?


How do you pay for it all?

Alex has just qualified as a teacher and i work part time as a riding instructor. And we both grew up in fairly wealthy families and they support us.

Do you still live in Ireland?

Yes we do, my parents are here. Alex's mom and dad live in England so we go every term break to see them in Nottingham (hence how i see Faith)

Do you have any pets?

2 horses (A friesan called Liana and a Thoroughbred called Orlando), a puppy (an Alaskan Klee Kai called Taméi), and 3 leopard geckos(Elle, India, and Aries)

What's Eliza's full name?

Eliza May Rickard

Whats Lizas favourite toy?

A small fluffy bear Faith won her at the seaside, she never lets it go.

Not including you and Alex, who is her favourite person?

Faith. Hands down. Eliza absolutely adores her. Its quite sad because we dont see her often.

Have you ever lied about your age etc?

Yes. I used to have to on this account mainly because i didnt want anyone to find it but now i dont care and 100% honest.

1 interesting fact about you?

Im bisexual aha and openly part of the lgbt community. When me and alex were on a break at one point i was seeing a girl called Savannah but that blew over.

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