feelings suck || muke [part 1:fluff]

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[God i suck at updating im so sorry lmao hi][also this part is fluff but part 2 is smut lol]

Calum didn't know what had come over him that night. They were dancing and next thing he knew, their lips were touching and then they were waking up next to each as the curtains were rather rudely pulled open, allowing the sunlight to engulf the room.

He sat up, sending a glare over at the blonde boy stood near the window "Again Cal ?" Luke yelled, walking over and tugging the covers off them "Get changed sweetheart, I called you a taxi." He muttered bitterly.

He jumped up and pulled on his boxers "What is your problem?" He shouted as he chased Luke over the the counter in the hotel room.

"My 'problem' ..." Luke started, spinning around to face the boy "Is that's the fourth girl you've brought home this week!" 

"And?" Calum snapped, throwing his hands up in the air "Just because you have a little crush on me Luke, doesn't mean I can't sleep with other people!" 

Luke shook his head "It's not the fact that you're sleeping with them! It's the fact that you're flaunting it in my face every chance you get when you know damn well that I like you!" 

Calum shook his head and grabbed the girls arm, dragging her out the room and slamming the door. Luke sat down of the end of the bed and buried his face in his hands, letting out a muffled sob as the sound of a key in the door startled him. The door creaked open and a soft voice echoed "Lukey?"

Luke sniffled and wiped his eyes, looking up at Michael as he entered the room "H-hi Mikey..."

Michael sighed and sat next to the weeping boy, placing a hand on his lower back. "Calum again? i don't know why you like him Luke... he's being a dick."

Luke nodded slowly "i know, feelings suck..."

Michael sighed and looked down at Luke. The boy tilted his head up and looked at Michael, smiling weakly at the kind gesture Michael was showing by comforting him.

Michael stood up and took Luke's hand, walking over to the window and taking a seat on the ledge, watching as Luke did the same. "The thing is Lukey, with feelings... Sometimes it's best not to share them, and instead, push that to the back of your mind... I used to be in love with someone, but I pushed through it and now I can speak to that person with ease. I let them get on with their life and I get on with mine. It still hurts me from time to time, because they're in love with another and I'm kind of just.. there..."

Luke frowned and looked at him "I guess feelings really do suck." He muttered softly. Michael took the time to study the way the sunlight lit up his face, glistening softly on his blonde lashes.

"Yeah, they do..." Michael muttered looking  down at his lap. "But we just have to face them, because unfortunately, heart break is part of life." he sighed quietly and looked back out onto the city.

The buildings stood tall and proud, with the smaller ones in between. The sun gleamed and reflected off the steel, illuminating the city even more.

"People forget that although we travel the world, we're still people... and it's hard, I guess. Because we're still human and we still hurt... But there's little bits of life where I think, we can forget about all these shitty feelings and just be happy and ourselves."

Luke nodded as Michael looked at him. Something about the way Michael spoke so fluently upset Luke. It was like Michael had told himself this so often, he could say it so casually. Luke scanned Michael's face, looking at the small eyebrow piercing and the way it reflected in the sun, then looking at the way his eyes shifted from dark green to light. Luke had never really looked at Michael this way before, and now he saw the boy in a different light.

Luke's hand reached out to gently rest on Michael's cheek and he felt the older boy's breath hitch in his throat at the simple yet intimate touch. Luke moved forward and softly pressed his lips against Michael's. Michael felt his stomach tighten at the touch and began to kiss Luke back, not being able to fight the smile that took over as they moved their lips together. 

Luke pulled away and looked at Michael "Maybe feelings don't suck that much after all..."

[Okay, hello. Sorry for shitty updates, i have gone absolutely insane recently. I've had so much to do and it's been crazy. I've gone back to college now and it's so hectic, i forgot how busy you get. promise i'll try to update more regularly. Part 2 of this will be smut okay, sorry for the boring chapter.

Ciao, xoxo Tyla]

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