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  • Dedicated to L.O.V.E

I awoke some where I did not recognize. It was too dark to see, I felt someone's arm twitch on my shoulder. Who the hell was it? Scared I turned my phone on and used the flash to see where I was. I turned to I realize the arm belonged to Andy and the others were just lying motionless on the floor. I was on the tour bus. Being first up, i quietly crept into the kitchen, feeling very hungover I searched around for paracetamols. Two long arms wrapped around my waist, "Hi babe," Andy whispered. I froze, what happened last night? 

Once we were all awake I rushed into the bedroom and began to change. Puzzled on why Andy had called me babe, I asked my friends what happened,."You came home and he asked you out, you said yes and you two talked for ages, then you passed out in his arms," Juliet giggled. I frowned, the man I always loved, loved me back?  "I guess I should give it a shot," I giggled. They nodded and I walked into his room. "Hey!" He laughed as I walked in. "Do you want to go out today?" I giggled looking at him trying to fasten his belt. "Yeah, why not," He chuckled. I winked and grabbed my stuff. What I did not know was the others were coming too, much to my disappointment I thought this would be a date.

I rang my mum to let her know I was going out. Andy and me went to the back of the group, we were heading to the fair...

Of course CC being a white knuckle rider only we started on the biggest ride there, The Drop. It was a massive roller coaster that had bright green tracks, one car could hold 10 people. It had 8 loops and 13 massive drops. I was scared. Andy grinned, "Not scared are you?" I shook my head staring into his eyes. He kissed my forehead, "Okay, let's go." I gulped as we sat down. I gripped onto his hand. He looked at it then put his arm around my waist, "I've got you," He smiled. It made me feel re-assured.

 The other guys could not wait to go. I pouted at CC as he called me a wimp and Andy friendly punched him in the arm, "Leave her alone aha."  The ride was about to begin and I had butterflies, Andy hugged into me and asked me if I was ok, I nodded and the ride jerked forward. All the way through the twists and turns I wanted to be sick! But comforting me, Andy gave me his scarf to cover my eyes. The drops were the worst. Ella screamed like a ban-chi, Sammi laughed manly and Juliet just cuddled into Ashley. I was so glad when it was over. Shaking I cuddled into his arm letting his scent flow onto my clothes. He smiled and stroked my hair, "Let's give this a chance," I looked up into his innocent eyes. "Okay," I whispered.

I could feel the warm sun beating down on us as we sat on the beach. I ate some candy floss and shared it with Andy. Unfortunately, everyone noticed who they were and we had a barrage of fan girls come up to us and ask for autographs, being the kind people they are they signed the photos and merchandise and even got in a few photos. I don't know if I could handle thousands of screaming girls pretending they are seeing Andy when I really am.

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