Cuts and Bruises

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  • Dedicated to NHS

Jake rang my mum to tell her what happened. I felt so embarrassed, I was finally near one of my idols, the only problem was I was in hospital and he had to change clothes before we got here. I tried my best not to cry. When the doctor finally seen me he was surprised I was still alive, I had two broken ribs; my left foot was broken and I had a bust lip, my face was covered in bruises and cuts.

 Thank god Jake was there, otherwise I would not have even made it to the hospital. I heard him phone the others while I was getting x-rayed. "Yeah, I just found her out cold in the alley," Jake talked to someone. "Shit, where are you? I'll get the others," another voice answered. "Ok, bye," Jake finished. He came back inside and sat on the chair next to the bed in the room. "Hey kid, your mum can't make it I'm afraid, so it's just me and the others when they get here," He told me.

 I lit up, the others must be the other Black Veil  Bride members. "That's fine," I replied. "I have told your mum we will look after you until you can leave hospital, she said to keep her updated on how you are doing though," Jake told me. I swept my long black hair from my face and sat up. I began to talk to Jake for what seemed like ages, he was really funny and interesting. KNOCK! KNOCK! "Come in!" Jake shouted. Four other men walked in, it was Jinxx, Andy, Christian and Ashley. 

They all looked pretty worried when Jake told them how many injuries I had sustained and how lucky I was that he found me in time. Right now all that mattered to me now was I was safe and on the plus side my idols were sitting in the same room as me, not many fans get that happen to them. I rang my mum while the boys went for a cigarette.

 "Hi mum?" I answered as someone picked up the phone, "Yeah, are you ok, who are you with?" she replied, I laughed, "I'm fine, Black Veil Brides and mum I am sorry," I told her. "Don't be stupid!" she shouted, "I love you and you're alive, that's all that matters." I smiled and wandered outside. I pulled the crumpled box of cigarettes from my coat pocket and sparked up. It probably wasn't wise I smoked while I had massive injuries but, who cares. The five of them finished their cigarettes and walked me back to my room. One by one they gently hugged me careful not to hurt my ribs and promised to come tomorrow night. That was one promise I hoped would come true.

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