The one

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  • Dedicated to you...

After we had finished shopping I grabbed the bags and put my keys in my pocket just in case I needed them for self defense. I was holding the shopping lightly by the handles so I could easily drop it if I needed to.

I strolled back to the car and I began to breath heavily, Andy had left me while he had gone to buy some booze for tonight. It was our first year anniversary! I heard coughing behind me. I began to shake and took my phone out of my pocket, I needed Andy too hurry I was scared:

Me: Hi you nearly done?

Andy: yeah, why :)

Me: Someone here...

Andy: :( two seconds, I'm coming baby.

Unless two seconds was a new phrase of time for forever I was scared to death. I hung back in the shadows hoping it would not spot me, I grabbed my car keys, maybe I could use them as a weapon. I think I have got away with it this time, this could be a false alarm, stop being so over reactive I kept saying to myself. But what happens if these are my final moments? Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket, it was a text from an unknown number, I felt sick: 

Unknown: Hello?

Me: Hello?

Unknown: You Okay?

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: Jake...

Me: Hi, how did you get my number?

Jake: Andy :) hope you don't mind?

Me: not at all :P

Jake: Got to go... bye

Me: bye

Thank god it was only Jake! I needed to calm down, I wasn't in any danger was I? I was in a busy car park with loads of witnesses, I should be fine...

I felt terrified. Andy came tanking out the shop. "Are you ok? what happened? is he gone?" He babbled as he reached me. I laughed, "Yeah, now that your here." He smiled and gave me a hug, "Good." I wrapped my arms around his waist and sighed deeply. "You think that was him don't you?" He frowned. I nodded and tears sprung to my eyes. "I'm here for you!" He re-assured me. I nodded and we strolled back to the car. He was waiting there....

Horrible thoughts raced through my head. I couldn't believe it, I don't think my keys would be much defense against the guy who almost killed me, he could have a knife! I cried quietly hanging onto Andy as if my life depended on it, well it did...

I pulled my coat further across my body and I shook my head, tears blinding me. I couldn't believe it was him. I really had hoped this was all a dream. What happens if Andy can't stop him? What happens if he does kill me this time?

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