05| What We Loose

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9 Months Later

"Roy! Diane! We're coming to you." I heard Oliver say and I looked over to Roy as confirmation that he heard too.

"I'll stop the truck, you go catch our guy." I nodded and jumped off the car we were standing on. I turned around to see Roy do a flip off the car as he shot two arrows at the truck's tires. When our guy ran out of the truck and into the alley I ran in after him. I jumped on top of some trash bins and got onto the roof, when I got ahead I shot a cable network arrow backing him from running any futhur. I jumped off the roof and punched him causing him to fall on the ground.

"Vincent Steelgrave. You have failed this city." I said before I kicked him in the face instantly knocking him out. I turned to Oliver and Roy with a smile on my face. "I've always wanted to say that."

"I know you have." Roy said as he put one of his arms around my shoulder as we got into Dig's car to get to the abandoned Verdant building.

"We keep this up, there will only be two types of criminals left in Starling City," Diggle said as we entered the Arrow Cave. "the ones we put away and the ones that are running scared."

"What's that?" Oliver asked walking over to a plant on the table.

"A fern. It thrives on the light." Felicity said, as Roy, Dig and I watched the exchange between the two in the back. "I thought since you were living here now, the place could do with a little sprucing."

"I let you buy me a bed." Oliver replied getting really close to Felicity, and I couldn't help but smile.

"You were sleeping on the floor." Felicity said also stepping closer, as the three of us in the back exchanged a look.

"Another text from Thea." Oliver said looking at his phone and I felt Roy stiffen next to me. I put a comforting hand on his shoulder but it was clear that he still missed her. "She at the Amalfi coast. I keep telling her to send photos."

"I'm going to go do a patrol, clear my head." Roy informed as he began to walk away.

"Hey." Oliver said as Roy was about to leave. "You did really good tonight."

"I'm going to head out, too." Felicity stated gathering her things. "I have to pull an early shift at work today, which may or may not be the most depressing thing I've ever said."

"But we're still on for tomorrow night?" Oliver asked as she began to walk away.

"Absolutely." Felicity said as she put her hands on Oliver's shoulders. "I am going to turn you into corporate master of the universe. Those board members are going to be begging to sell Queen Consolidated back to you and your backers."

"I should get going too." I told him grabbing my stuff, a few minutes after Felicity left. "Captain Lance has new samples he want me to analyze. Literally being a chemist for the SCPD is the worst."

I grabbed a pink box and handed it to Diggle. "Congrats, can't wait to meet the next member of Team Arrow." I said giving him the gift which contained a blanket and a stuffed animal.

"Thanks, you don't know how to build a bassinet by any chance do you?" Dig asked hopefully.

"The question is do I want to go all through that pain. And the answer is definitely no." I said with a laugh as I gave him a tight hug. "I'll see you guys later."


Felicity called me early in the morning to tell me about her date with Oliver. We were on the phone for so long that I was late to work, not that I really cared. I was still working a late shift in the station when the whole place went chaotic, when I overheard that there was an attack at the restaurant Oliver and Felicity where at it immediately headed towards the hideout.

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