50| Changes

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"I really don't wanna go." Cisco complained as he, Caitlin and I stepped out of the elevator.

"He's your brother, Cisco." I countered causing Cisco to sigh in annoyance.

"Not by choice." He reminded me as he took a sip of his drink.

"Okay, well, how bad can a birthday party be?"

"Um, my folks think Dante's stink don't stink. Doesn't matter how much he screws up, or how many times he gets into trouble." Cisco began to rant in frustration. "In their eyes, he can do no wrong. And yet, they never fail to remind me that I can do no right."

"What if we came with you?" Caitlin suggested and I looked up in surprise.

"What? Seriously?" He replied excited by the idea.

"Absolutely. You've done so much for me. Let me be there for you for a change." Caitlin replied as she put a comforting hand on Cisco's shoulder.

"I haven't agreed to anything yet." I remind them as they began to make plane for me.

"Come on it will be fun." Caitlin replied and I looked at her with a blank expression.

"Caitlin last time you said "come on it will be fun" I ended up drunk and with a major hangover." I countered as she gave me a sheepish smile.

"Still can't believe I wasn't invited." Cisco said as we walked down the hallway. "But seriously Diane can you do it...for me?"

"And we could look at old family photo albums and see what little Cisco looks like without long hair." Caitlin added and the sealed the deal for me.

"Okay I'm in." I said.

"I'm rescinding your invites." Cisco commented as he pointed between Caitlin and I.

We turned the corner to find Dr. Wells and Barry waiting in the Cortex. "Diane!" Barry exclaimed once his eyes settled on me.

"Barry?" I said slightly confused.

"Why can't you greet all of us with that amount of enthusiasm?" Cisco joked as he took a seat.

"Guess he's just not that happy to see the rest of us." Caitlin continued to tease.

"I might have over reacted." Barry admitted sheepishly, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah maybe just a little." I agreed as I took my seat beside Cisco.

"Looks like we have a new meta on our hands." Dr. Wells informed us and after Barry went on to continue about the Mardon brothers and what happened when he went to the morgue .

"Clyde Mardon has a brother?" Caitlin asked in surprise as we looked at the pictures of the two brothers I've never seen before, but apparently the rest of the team had.

"So, both Mardon brothers survived the plane crash and then the dark matter released by the Particle Accelerator explosion affects them both in..."

"Virtually the same way." Dr. Wells began to say as Barry finished of with him.

"That's right." Dr. Wells said as he looked Barry with a suspicious look.

"Only Mark's not like Clyde at all. He can do things that you couldn't even imagine." Barry explained as he paced around the room and something was clearly wrong with him.

"You mean he's sort of like a..." Cisco began to say before Barry said it along with him. "...Weather Wizard?"

Cisco gaze Barry a confused look before he took a long sip from his Slurpee causing him to groan. "Trigeminal headache?" Caitlin and Barry said at the same time. We all looked at Barry wondering how he knew what everyone was going to say.

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