48| Not the One

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I was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels when my phone began to ring. "Hey Barry."

"I'm on my way." He announced.

"I thought you were on a date?"

"I was, now I'm on my way." Barry continued, and for some reason I didn't like the idea of Barry coming over after he had just been with Linda. "Movie night remember?"

"It is?" I said although I knew all to well. Walking over to the refrigerator I pulled out a tub of ice cream and a spoon. "I was actually heading off to bed."

"Okay so maybe we could move it to tomorrow?" Barry asked as I sat back down on the couch.

"Yeah we'll see." I replied as I put my legs up on the coffee table. "Good night Barry."

"Good night." He said softly before I hung up. Feeling horrible about what I just did I continued to eat ice cream as I searched for something to watch. I wasn't seated very long because the was a knock at my door, groaning as u got up I looked through the peep hole to find Barry standing at the other side. Immediately I ran to the refrigerator to stuff the ice cream back in and then into my bedroom to throw on my pajamas, not wanting Barry to catch up on my lie.

Once everything was clear I opened the door to a smiling Barry. "Barry hey. What are you doing here?"

"I decided I didn't want to miss out on movie night." He replied as he handed me a tub of ice cream. "Even brought your favorite."

"Thanks." I said as I moved to the side to let him in, Barry immediately walked over to the T.V to start the movie. Walking back to the kitchen I picked up two spoons and sat on the couch. "So, how was your date with Linda."

"It was great." He replied as he took as seat next to me. "We went bowling and bumped into Iris and Eddie."

"Well... that's great."

"Do you like Linda?" Barry suddenly asked catching me off guard.

"Why do you ask?" I said slowly not sure where this was coming from.

"I just have a feeling that no one like my relationship with her." Barry admitted as he turned to completely face me. "Cisco is telling me I can do better and Caitlin just doesn't seem that supportive either."

"I feel like it's kind of hard not to like her. I mean she's beautiful, smart, funny, seems like the perfect girl." I explained as I bit my lip debating if I should continue. "But I think that maybe she's not the right girl for you."

"Then who is?" Barry asked with I look I really couldn't explain.

"I...I don't know. Only you know the answer to that." I replied slowly feeling at a loss of words. Barry was about to say something but I immediately looked away. "The movies starting."

As we were watching the movie I started running my hand through Barry's hair as he laid his head on my lap. I was't even paying attention to the movie thinking about how to stupid I was for mentioning Linda and having the conversation lead up to where it did. I stopped moving my hand through his hair as I set it aside, then I felt as Barry looked up at me. "Why did you stop."

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