65| The Search

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I woke to find Barry sitting at the edge of the bed looking down at his hands. Slowly I made my way to him, I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. "You're going to find him. I know you're going to find him."

"How are you so sure?

"Because I believe in you. Always have." I told him as he turned around to face me.

"It's just...every time I look at Iris I can't help but feel guilty." Barry mumbled. "What if something happens to Eddie?"

"You have nothing to feel guilty for, this isn't your fault." I reminded him. "And Eddie he's going to be okay, Wells took him for a reason and that reason isn't to just kill him."

"What did I do to ever deserve you?" Barry asked as he ran a hand through my hair.

"Probably some really horrible things." I joked and Barry only shook his head a small smile forming on his lips. He looked at me for a while before placing a soft kiss on my lips, as our lips slowly moved in sync the kiss become deeper. Realizing what time it was I pulled away. "Sorry I have to be the one to ruin the mood but...you have to get to work in five minutes."

"I think five minutes is enough time." He replied causing me to laugh.

"Yeah that's not going to happen." I told him lightly pushing him off of me. "You're going to get yourself fired one day."

"I am irreplaceable." Barry declared without hesitation, before he quickly changed into his work clothes.

"Well there is only one Barry Allen." I agreed as I stood up front he bed.

"And you love him. Right?" He asked me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"More than anything." My response earning a small kiss from him.

"I'll see you at S.T.A.R Labs, okay?" Barry said and I nodded as he place another kiss on my lips. "I love you."


When I walked into the Cortex Cisco was sitting in front of his desk that was covered in all the cameras that Barry found. "I thought Barry threw those away." I told him, an uncomfortable feeling settling in by just the sight of them.

"I asked him to give them to me."He replied as he held up one of the cameras. "He hound this one on the T.V facing my bed. That's creepy as hell. Did Barry tell you where he found yours?"

"No, he said it would be better if I didn't know." I said taking a seat a seat beside him.

"Yeah, that's probably for the best." Cisco confirmed as he began to break the cameras apart and separate the pieces. "Can't imagine the things he's seen us do. He knows everything about us."

"Please don't remind me."

"You planning on keeping all those cameras Wells used to spy on us?" Barry asked entering the Cortex. "That's kind of creepy, don't you think?"

"First rule of mechanical engineering, dude. Never waste good tech." Cisco replied before counting to break apart some of the cameras. An alarm from one of the computers went off and I quickly turned it off to check what was going on.

"Central City Gold Reserve's under attack." I informed pulling up on of the security cameras where a man in armor was shooting at the building.

"Gold?" Barry repeated in recognition. "That's the case Singh wants us on. I'll be right back."

A couple minutes later after the accident that happened at the Gold Reserve, Barry came rushing back complaining about a migraine. "Your eye movement is normal. No signs of neurological damage." Caitlin observed shinning a flashlight in his eyes.

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