23| Finally Over

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"Ooh, see I knew The Arrow was Oliver Queen. I mean, I had it narrowed down to, like, a list of 150 people, but he was definitely on that list." Cisco exclaimed as he clapped his hands together. I walked into the room and stood next to Dig, who had apparently arrived ten minutes ago. And I decided not to tell everyone about my interaction with Barry because for some reason it just didn't feel like the right thing to do.

"Do you have a way to stop Barry's rage-fest?" Dig asked the room of scientist and tech geeks, he had his arms crossed across his chest wanting to get this problem dealt with as soon as possible.

"We're working on that. Diane did you finish the light?" Dr. Wells asked and I simply nodded in response. "Okay then Joe, we're gonna need your help."

"We need to find him first before he hurts somebody." Joe said reminding us of something that we were currently working on avoiding.

"I have him." Felicity announced from her computer, and she quickly connected the other computers at the main control with the footage so we could all see what was going on. "Facial recognition picked him up on a traffic camera downtown."

The screen showed The Flash attacking Eddie with a horrified Iris a few feet away, when suddenly a lasso arrow wrapped itself around Barry pulling him away. "Oh, God. I just hope they can turn Barry back before he kills Oliver." Caitlin exclaimed as she looked down at the security footage. Barry was dragging Oliver through an alleyway

"Me, I'd be more worried about what Oliver might have to do to Barry." Dig replied with annoyance, giving Oliver his full support.

"Barry has superpowers. Oliver has a bow and arrow." Caitlin reminded him as she put her hands on her hips.

"Do you have any idea how many people Oliver has killed with that bow and arrow?" Dig replied looking at her sternly.

"Recurve bow arrows can travel up to 300 feet per second, so, like, 200 miles an hour. Barry can run three times that fast." Cisco countered as he looked towards me. "Diane you've worked with both. What do you think?"

I sighed at how childish this all was, but still thought about my answer. "Although Barry does have the advantage, Oliver is perfectly capable at taking care of himself. So technically I would say that Oliver would be capable of winning."

"Traitor!" Cisco said with a gasp as he held his hand over his heart.

"Whatever." Dig, said turning back towards the footage to continue to observe the fight. "Oliver's been doing this a lot longer. My money's on experience."

"My money's on speed." Cisco also added as he to put his attention to the screen.

"Please tell me you're not actually having this conversation right now." Felicity scolded from the other side of the room, and that successfully shut us up. We all watched as the two heroes fought it out, and it seemed that there would be no winner since each of the two was taking control of the other repeatedly.

"Hey kid you okay?" Dig asked leaning closer to me so only I could hear.

"Yeah, today's just been tough." I replied softly as I looked back to the screen to see Oliver Holding onto Barry as the S.T.A.R Labs van hosted to a stop in front of them as it revealed our large rainbow lights flashing at them.

"So It was a tie." Cisco noted when the fight between the two ended and Barry was successfully cured of his rage. I sat down on my chair and leaned back, finally being able to relax at the thought go things going back to as normal as they possibly could.

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