51| Lost Opportunities

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~Barry's P.O.V~

I rushed in Picture News since I completly forgot about my lunch date with Linda. After catching Mark Mardon to ensure that no one would get hurt, Dr. Wells told be the consequences of doing this but it had to be done. "Hey! I am here. So sorry, again." I apologized as I sat down in one of the chairs in front of her.

"Well, you get a pass considering you're never late." She replied with a smile but it slowly faded away as she looked I to my eyes. "Hey, um what's going on with you lately?"

"Nothing." I replied as I looked down at my hands.

"Come on. Give me a little credit here." Linda insisted, and I had to tell her she deserved to know.

"I've just been dealing with a lot of things lately. I like you, Linda." I explained and she nodded with a sad look in her eyes. "And we really get along..."

"Relationships should be more than just getting along. Your heart should ache for me. Does it?" Linda asked me and I didn't reply as I looked back down at my hands, because truth was my heart already belonged to someone else.

"You're not upset with me?" I asked in suprise and she shook her head as she put her hand over mine.

"No one did anything wrong."

"I really do feel a lot for you, Linda." I told her honestly, because she really was great, just not the one for me. "It's just..."

"Just not as much as you feel for someone else." Linda finished off. "Go get her."

"Thank you." I told her before I walked out of the building and turned into an alley to us my supersede all the way to Diane's apartment. She wasn't home yet so I waited for her for a couple of minutes before she stepped out of the elevator down the hall. She looked surprised to see me but then that surprise turned into a smile that I didn't think twice about returning.


"Hi." I quickly replied. "I didn't get to tell you this mooring but you look really nice.

"Um...thank you. So, what are you doing here?" She asked once she stopped in front of me. "Thought you had a lunch date?"

"Uh...no, that's done." I said causing her to freeze as she unlocked the door.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Diane replied with a sympathetic look in her bright green eyes.

"No, no, no, it's okay. We're gonna be friends." I told her immediately and she nodded her head trying to keep up with all my rambling. "Um, yeah, no, it's gonna be awesome."

"Awesome?" She repeated in suprise. "Did you just refer to your break up as awesome?"

"It's like you said, she wasn't the girl for me."

"I didn't say that. Did I?" And that's when I realized that our conversation didn't happen in this timeline.

"Uh anyway, are you are you free tomorrow? Do you want to get some coffee and we can just talk and just tell each other stuff I don't know, stuff we got rolling around in there, you know?" Began to ramble from excitement, and she tried to hide her smile seeing me act this way. "I don't know."

"Okay, yeah, sure." Diane agreed, and having her right in front of me like this made it really hard for me not to reach and kiss her. "It sounds great."

"Okay, great." I exclaimed as she leaned against the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. "Great!"

"So you going to tell me what's got you this happy?"

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