Chapter 15

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Thank you @Unicornlvr13 for commenting tenk chu sah mech ily.

I feel as if this story is focusing on Yasmine too much, which its not meant to but for now that's how it's gonna be, and by for now I mean this chapter because I'm bored and fuck and craving chocolate.  

But seriously if you think I should like focus more on a character or something please tell me in the comments :) ily.

My 6 year old annoying cousin told me that Zayn has a tattoo on his Penis. Can I murder myself?


I groaned "I thought this was a girls day"

"It is..." Maddie said slowly, most likely confused.

"Then why the hell have you two been talking about your boyfriend'a for an hour. I swear if I hear Louis or Harry's name one more time I'm going to cry" I state seriously.

"Awww, Yas. It's okay we'll find you a boyfriend soon enough" Hailey teased.

I groaned again "for fucks sake. I don't want one, just stop talking about them. Here look its a dress go try it!" I said directing the conversation somewhere else and picking up possibly the most horrible dress I've ever looked at, so horrible in fact I dropped it.

This only amused the two girls.

"I can't believe I touched that" I hissed wiping my hands off my shirt as if the dress contained some sort of disease.

"This ones nice though" Maddie stated holding up a long purple one... it was nice I guess.

Hailey agreed and the two got their sizes in it, I just boredly trailed behind them trying not to touch anything.

About ten minutes later Maddie and Hailey were carrying what looked like a million dresses and were looking for the change rooms. I found them and told them to go in while I sit on the comfy red sofa, I let out a relieved sigh as I sat down. Shopping was such hard work.

I took out my phone and started to play random games, go on twitter and do shit I do when I'm bored.

Maddie and Hailey came out a few times asking me opinions on each dress, which my answer was to pretty much all of them "you look good" "that looks great" "that looks fine" because to be honest they looked pretty in all of them and I don't get the point of it.

We went into a few more stores after that. Maddie and Hailey didn't buy much, I bought nothing, that was until we went into this one store.

"Phone cases!"I shrieked and ran over to the wall of them, I had a minor obsession over them.

I picked out at least 5 before taking them to the cashier to buy them, Maddie and Hailey obviously didn't like this store, Hailey was more of a floral and Lacey girl while this store was mostly 'hipster' clothing as Maddie would say, it was my type of store!

Well after I bought the phone cases I went mad in the store trying to find something, anything to buy.

Maddie and Hailey did look through the clothes though, commenting on how something was 'too short' ...Hailey. Or 'I've seen ten girls walk by with that same shirt ... Maddie.

While they were criticising the clothes I had already tried on a few things. Hailey kept calling for me to come out and show them what I had on like i was part of some fashion show or something, which I did sometimes.

By the time we were out of that store it was 5 and a few stores had already started to close, I had 3 bags on my hands, one with phone cases the other two with clothes.

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