☁ Chapter Three ☁

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☻ Hailey ☻

There was only one time I was going to thank Misha, and that was now.

After a week of begging her parents to get a new garage door that doesn’t make any noise when it opens, they finally gave in and bought one for her.

She told her parents it was because it gave her headaches whenever it opened and closed, but in all honesty it was because she wanted to sneak out and go to parties – this however never happened as she was never invited to any, and she was only sixteen so she couldn’t get into any of the bars.

So at least it did someone some use, that someone being me, and some us being escaping from this hell.

I closed the driver’s door as quietly as I could after I got in, Louis had just as cautiously closed his door as he sat in the passenger seat.

“So do you actually have a plan?” Louis asked me.

“Yes, I do, and if you could just keep your voice down for another two minutes that’d be nice” I whispered.

“What, it’s not like they’re going to hear my voice over the noise of the van” Louis stated.

I sighed in agreement and turned the key that I had shoved in the ignition, the van was quite loud starting, which made me shudder a little but it made it’s way out of the garage pretty quietly, and the second it was out, I made sure to step on the pedal just a little harder, my aim being to get out of the street as quickly and quietly as possible.

“So, who exactly are you?” Louis asked.

“My name’s Hailey” I told him, just as I turned into a different street, sighing in relief as I did.

“Well, Hailey, you want to explain this plan?” Louis asked.

I nodded as I turned into another street.

“Well, the aim is to get to this small airport sort of place about twelve hours away, and from there you can go wherever you like” I described, it was a sort of shitty escape plan, but it was all I had really.

“Why so far?” Louis asked.

“Misha – the girl that kidnapped you, well yeah she’s a little bit” I paused trying to find the right word.

“Mental?” Louis offered.

“Well yeah, and when she finds out you’re gone, she’ll go to all the airports remotely close, so the further we go, the less likely chance of her ever finding me is, plus once you’re on a flight you’ll be safe from her for good, after this I’m sure your security levels will rise a lot higher and you’ll be protected I guess” I explained.

Louis didn’t respond to that, so I looked over at him to see his expression.

He looked as if he were in deep thought.

“So, why were you in that house in the first place?” Louis asked.

“It’s a long story really, but I sort of live with her” I answered.

“So you’re not like her normal sister or something?”

I shook my head.

“Do I look even remotely related to her?”

Louis also shook his head “No, but that’s pretty much all I could come up with”

I nodded in an understanding manner and sat back as the traffic light switched from orange to red.

For the rest of the first hour Louis would make small talk with me and I with him, it was pretty awkward and there was silence after almost every question asked or statement made, but I couldn’t really expect anything different.

I didn’t want to ask Louis many questions, knowing he’d probably be sick of them by now, after so many interviews and all the fans.

So he asked me most the questions, which I found weird since I helped to kidnap him.

I would have thought he’d hold a grudge on me or something, but he didn’t. Which showed what kind of person he is a lot, I always wanted to get to know what celebrities were really like, and even though the way I don’t think Louis is like this all the time, he’s not exactly like this around fans usually so I guess it’s a little like his real self.

But then again, I guess I could be wrong,  he looks so happy and jumpy in interviews and when he’s with the fans and when I was talking to him he didn’t sound that energetic but he might have just been tired, and well he probably does have a small grudge on me.

Participating in the kidnapping of a celebrity, makes you as bad as the one who planned it all out in a way, even if you were practically forced to.

Louis had fallen asleep by the end of that first hour leaving me to drive through the unfamiliarly quiet streets, the streets were so empty that a car would only drive past once every five minutes probably, which was a big difference to the usual Sydney traffic we usually get.

I drove on for about another four hours before I felt my eye-lids start to get heavy.

 I had the plan all mapped out in my head and I thought I had thought of every single detail, and created a solution for every problem, but my complicated brain didn’t think of the simplest and most obvious things.

So I stuck with my plan – as dangerous as it now was, I kept driving thinking I would stay awake long enough.

I tried to think of ways to keep myself awake as I drove, but I found no solution – without disturbing Louis of course, and waking him up was the last thing I needed to do.

So I stayed positive, stupidly reassuring myself that I was going to make it long enough to the airport, which wasn’t even another eight hours away, from where I was at that moment.

I attempted flicking and pinching myself every few seconds but that wasn’t working.

I tried to concentrate on the road and think about nothing but the destination I was getting to but that only made me sleepier.

So I gave up trying and just dealt with it, and eventually the sleepiness got to me.


Guess who finally updated the edit?

Lordy Lord and I wanted to put the sequel up by the begging of next year.

Yeah it probably won't even be out until the next school Holidays or something idk i'm sorry.

Well you guys probably don't really give a shit and no one's reading this okay bye.

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