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So as we walked to class Lizzy remembered that this session was elements class, "Hey guys this session is the elements class where we will learn what they are and how to use them but I need to tell you something ummmmm..... when I was in my pool last I ummm kind of made a water bubble float in the air" "Same but mind was when I was jumping on my trampoline I kind of floated in the air and I ummmmm screamed and my big brother  saw me" said Holly very very embarrassed "Well does anyone else kno-" I was cut off when the boys jumped in "what's up" asked Jamie "Not much just talking. And I see that Mason now hanging with you"  said Holly very suspiciously "*wow she's so cute*" whispered Mason "what did you say Mason" asked Chris "ah wait what, what were you saying Chris"  "Never mind Mason" "Okay now that's done, why don't we try to find out what our elements are" I said " Hey guys we are going to be late if we don't hurry up" Said Matt starting to speed walk " *everyone started to speed walk* okay while we are walking did anyone else have something weird time when they did something completely un human like" I asked "Well yes, I am sure she didn't tell you this but when I was over at Lizzy house I saw her make the bubble float in the pool I was  so amaze that I tried to do the same thing but I made large wave, and left basely no water left in the pool" said Matthew "Hey guys we're at class, are you ready" said Holly *the brown door opens* "Good Afternoon boys and girls there are some new students" said the teacher who open the door "*uhg* no these people again" Rachael and her group giggle "Is there something you would like to share with the class" asked the teacher "No Miss Sun" Miss Sun what a beautiful name "Are now, my name is Miss Sun and I am the elements teacher, I will help you when ever you need it before we start I would like to say that your powers are very special, now let's start what are the four main elements who can tell what they are" "Miss they Earth Water Air Fire" said Lilly meanly, as we were just starting the real class the bell rang to go to lunch.

Hey lollipops so sorry for no updates I have been sick and was busy, so yeah still sorry for the fake update (the update when I pressed the wrong button) its finish now. YAY soon going to start a new chapter and stay alarmed NEW CHAPTER coming soon hoped you enjoyed it.


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