Chris please help her.

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💨 Holly's Pov 💨

Last night was awesome watching movies talking to Chris, it was just awesome to see the gang back together after being apart for over 10 or 15 weeks but what would you really expect anyways *sigh*

😃 Nobody's Pov 😃

So after last night Lizzy came home and fell asleep and yet still is asleep, Rose came home and did so running on the spot and push up and now at 8:30 am cause she couldn't sleep shes cleaning and she look at Lizzy every once in a while to make shore that cleaning the room is nosey enough to wake her, now Holly is in the shower and singing while in deep thought singing helps her think e.g in tests she hums the beep of a tune that she listened to as she studied and lest but not lest Skylar the cheeky one well she is at the boys dorm and placing hair gel in the hair the one you can't get out until the next day well she's doing that. Now some info for the day it's a school day but since it's a holiday they can sleep in till 10:30 and go to school for some info for the rest of the day that's why the boys are still asleep.

☀️ Mason ☀️

I heard something but I don't want to get up to much effort until it comes too me and I turn around to find Skylar "hey" I whispered and she jumped and hide something be hide her back "h-hey w-what ya doing u-up" I knew she was scared as she said that, I got out of my bed and walked over to her as my girlfriend bushed and I remember I don't have a shirt on, but I dint care as I walked to her she walked backwards and I smirked "hey what's wrong scared of little old me" by now we were inches apart and her face turned the same colour and Erza's hair from Fairy Tail (aka a anime series I really enjoy by the way it's a girl) "M-Mason" she asked I still don't know why she was scared at all I am her boyfriend after all, "yes" I answered "will you tell the boys I did this?" She asked, I thought for a moment "um maybe, any way you better get going Lucas sept in and we didn't you his hair, you even did Matthews" "Well um if he found out that I did it I would be in so much trouble, you see Lucas is very VERY protective and well if I and any one dose something eg if you you kill one of his plants you are basically died um and the only person who is more scary then Lucas is Rose oh boy if you get her ticked off you better say sorry and I mean it she turns in more of a Erza Skarlet okay so I better be going" she turns around about to walk off when I grab her wrist "hey sky you know what I am going to play a prank on the girls so tell the them that- and what's this in my hair" she runs out the door "SKYLAR" I yelled.

🌋 Skylar's Pov 🌋

I thought I was running for dear life when I ran in the room slammed the door and woke up Lizzy, wow I had such a death wish today "ROSE SKY WOKE ME UP" Lizzy yelled and complained "alright calm down sky be a little more quite and Lizzy go back to bed" Rose said like nothing has changed and all the years I knew them, they still went to Rose "now sky tell me what happened I thought I heard Mason yell" she said breaking a smile "um well you did he caught me and I had put some in his hair first so that of I get caught he think that he still hasn't been done, but at the and he went to put his hand through his hair and poof he knew and I bolted to get back here safe and sound" Lizzy and I smirked and then Holly asked" is a-a b-boy h-here" she dose this every time since Chris saw her so yea, everyone is doing the same apart from Rose shes either doing a work out or cleaning so yea life is the same as nom.

Time skip

😃 Nobody's Pov 😃

Okay so after the meeting, there as. Small littlest fight about the hair but that's about it but its dinner so let see what happens!

🌊 Elizabeth's Pov 🌊

We are having dinner and Holly seems to be a little quiter then normal shes still is acting the same when she eats it's just weird I know something's wrong but she just won't tell me maybe Chris can knock some sense into her


Hey Chris can u help me Holly isn't acting normal and I am worried about her can u talk to her or something?
I know that I am sitting right a cross from him I just can't say it out loud

Chris :

Um sure I guess and now tell me what's this all about I know u don't know but what's different in her beaver?


She's not loud as usual shes not always saying I'm hurgey.


Awesome Thx talk to her soon and you do know that you could have said this out loud I am a cross the table from you am I not.


I can't say this out loud okay now I am going to talk to people NOT by text thanks any way 😎😎


Happy to help.

That was the end of the texting and well i am just talk to Matthew how's he's been doing what's been happening and talk to Blair, we are soon going to go back to our dorm to watch a movie like always before the day before school, wait there's the waiter hold on lets get servered

"Hello my name is Grace I am going to be your waitress today-" I just think that she's serving the people she calls losers "okay what do you want, are you here to make fun of me or what" she says putting her hand on her hip "well no we aren't here to be mean, now can we get 4 fish and chips and 2 Hamburgers and 2 Pizza's" says Jamie (okay so you guys may have been thinking why in the world is Jamie in this, now your answer is that he has been on a job quested from miss drop and just got back I didn't say this in the story but here it is now thx) shes shocked that we didn't be rude to her cause she already walked away to get our orders

Time ship


Now guys I think you all remember the prank that Charles pulled on me (thanks to Marion for the suggestion) now pay back since Lizzy and jordy knew about it there geting the same prank done to them but differently 😈😈😈😈

Lizzy, Jordy, Charles:

Oh no, oh no Bye world I see you angin soon


It's midnight and there asleep now it's time for a classic a MARKER ON FACE hehehehehhe😈😈😈😈
I draw on there faces


Morning world walks into bathroom AHHHH WHAT IS THIS try's to wash off but fails AHH I HAVE SCHOOL TODAY ROSEANNA YIUR IN TROBLE NOW


Alarm ugh school wakes and looks in morria Meh I knew this was going to happen


Hey good looking he's talking to himself in the morria okay now WHATS THIS I-I HAVE MARKER ON MY BEAUTIFUL FACE ROSEANNA


Hehehhehe😈😈 don't mess with me then

Hey guys I just wanted to say whats yur fav charter and why tell me in the comments and Vote comment and share and like always BYEEEEEE LOILLPOPS

~Roseanna 🌺

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