The New Kid

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So we were all sleeping when Holly woke and looked at the time "wow 2:30 who in the world would be up" she mumbled and went to the door and when she open it she saw a boy who looked rather lost "um are you okay where are you meant yo be going" *holly said closeting the door behind her* " well um I am looking for the boys dorm and kind of got lost" it was still really dark so I could see why " well okay show me your map and I will show you where you are going okay *he gave her the map* are okay so your Blair your the new kid who's now rooming with the guys just then the door opened to find a very grumpy Lizzy " why can't you guys shut up for once I am trying to sleep!!" "Awesome so now you have met Lizzy I am going to be taking to to the boys dorm" Holly said basically grabbing him by the arm and taking off to the boys dorm.

At the boys room.... "Guys guess what I have beat your score bet that" said Mason " O yea well I could beat yours about 100-" *said Chris *knock knock knock* "who would be up at this hour other then us" *Lucas wakes* "Guys are you getting the door or what and be more quiet!" He says not yelling but not whispering *the door opens* "Hello, now I have to get back and fake to be asleep so I don't fell the wrath of Lizzy okay *Walks in* " okay guys so this is Blair matts cousin and he's rooming with you us now done done awesome bye" Holly runs out to make it back "well that was weird" said confused Chris "okay so Blair what why didn't you come the first time hey" asked Mason "GUYS SHUT UP I THOUGH I MADE IT CLEAR THE FIRST TIME GO TO SLEEP NOW!" Yelled Lucas Lucky for the people beside them the walls were sound proof, and they knew they wouldn't win a fight with Daniel when he's tired so they went to sleep " okay sorry about that this is your bed put your things down and we will unpack in the morning okay." Said Lucas "Yes Um what's your name before I go to sleep I kind of would like to know" asked Blair hopping he didn't get yelled at "Yea sure okay so the red head is Mason, the Blond is Chris and the brown haired one is me Lucas sorry Jamie an Jamie is the blue head" "okay nice to met you I am Blair. Can we now go to sleep I am tired" "sure night" "night."

"OMG please say she's gone back to sleep" and no she's not shes standing the the middle of the door way to talk to Holly about waking her up and suff "Hi Holly" said miss Lizzy "I am in trouble ain't i" "yep" "what do I need to do now" "GO TO SLEEP AND NOT TALK ON YOUR SLEEP" okay i think Lizzy has rubbed off on Lucas " WHATEVER GOOD NIGHT" Yelled Holly "then Skylar woke "guys me quick and go to sleep before Lizzy cracks" and with that everyone basically went to sleep.

                                                                                                  5 hours later


Um what number is this?


Okay guess you woke me up then the person who will I am going on with this way who do u think it is!


Ummmmmmmmmm 😐 I wait are u Holly


Yes u remember good job But why do u text people so early?!?


Cause I am just to awesome!


Sure whatever but see u late got to go get ready for school byee👋👋👋👋



Hello LOILLPOPS how have you been it's been a long time but here you guys go ummm this has been fun but now wait for the pranks to happen hehehehe


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