00| New Limits (Author's Note)

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"Unfortunately, the clock is ticking,
the hours are going by, the past increases,
the future recedes.
Possibilities decreasing,
regrets mounting."

~Haruki Murakami


Diane Crock has found the home she never had in Starling City. Equipped with all the necessary skills she became the Arrow's sidekick Artemis and by his side has helped him with his crusade to save Starling City. But when Barry Allen gets struck by lightning and decides to become a hero himself Oliver decides that he will need someone's guidance. And who better than Artemis to do the job, but knowing Barry would refuse the assistance Diane gets a job at S.T.A.R Labs while secretly helping him as Artemis. All she has to do is keep her secret as long as Oliver commands. But, what Diane doesn't expect is that she will find another family within Team Flash.




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Author's Note: As a reminder this is the first story I have written, hopefully I have grown as a writer since this story. Many of the chapters are not fully edited meaning there will definitely be a couple errors, have been planning on rewriting to but it just hasn't happened. I would have never expected it becoming as popular as it did even with the not so great writing. So thank you all for your love and support.

Disclaimer: To start this off I don't not take credit for any of the work by The Flash and Arrow's creative teams. I only own and take credit for Diane Crock and her character and story arcs.

Trigger Warnings: This story does feature mild violence, sexual content and cursing. If you are sensitive to any of these topics please proceed with caution.


New Limits || Barry Allen [1]Where stories live. Discover now