Chapter One

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Hey guys, Isabella here.

For my new readers, I just want to point out that the first few chapters are crap. I was a new writer and was just getting the hang of it. Especially this being my first story. After the first few, it gets better and my writing improves.

Please give this story a chance! Trust me, you wont regret it!


Today is the first day back at school. The first day of senior year. I've been looking forward to this year ever since I got to high school. Only one more year until I'm out of here. Only one more year until Jesse, my best friend, and I jet off to Australia. A much needed vacation after all that we've been through. That I've been through.

A car horn sounds outside, with successive honks. Jesse has never been the patient one.  I rolled my eyes and walked into my private bathroom and began to brush my hair. I was about to put it in a loose pony tail when my phone went off.

~She wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts, shes cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers, dreaming bout the day when you wake up and find -~

 I dropped my brush, rushed out and jumped onto my bed and picked up my phone.

"What do you want Jesse?" I asked, despite knowing the reason for his call. 

"Are you coming or not?" he groaned.

I jumped off of my bed and grabbed my school bag by my bedroom door, "I'll be right down," I answered, rolling my eyes.

I left my hair down, ran down the stairs and out the front door.  After adjusting to the morning light, I spotted Jesse  in his blue jeep, parked outside and waiting for me. I ran to his car and jumped into the passengers seat, throwing my bag into the back.

" 'bout time Allie, you take forever. And we wouldn't want to be late on our first day of school, now would we?"

I scoffed,  "shut up and drive," I muttered as I put my seat belt on and waited for him to take off.

 "Well, some one is in a grumpy mood," he retorted. He turned and faced the front of the car and began to drive off down the road.

 "And someone is very impatient," I smirked, looking out my window. The morning sun felt warm on my face and I enjoyed how it felt until Jesse poked me in my ribs.

  "Ah, ouch. Did you seriously just poke me?" I accused him, eyes sharply looking at him. 

 "So, doesn't matter if I did or not, there is no concrete evidence," he answered smugly as he turned sharply to the right, causing me to hit my head against the window. There goes my relaxed morning feeling.

 "Ow! Slow down you maniac," I cursed at him, rubbing my now sore head.

 "I wouldn't have to drive so fast, if you wouldn't take so long getting ready," he shot back.

 "I get ready in plenty time, thank you very much. Besides, I have to look good, you know, potential boyfriends at school," I said sarcastically.

 Jesse chuckled but reached over and grabbed my hand. 

I wasn't the dating type. I have never had a boyfriend, and I didn't plan to, at least not anymore. It wasn't entirely my fault that I never had, but that's a story better left untold. Plus, I'm the type of girl who would rather go dirt biking than go shopping, and the guys at school were more interested in the bimbo types. And I'm fine with that. I think. 

"You have never dated before in your life, Allie. And besides, why go after guys that have no interest in you." I sighed and had to stop myself from reminding him of  the real reasoning. 

 "Says mister, 'Maybe Chad will turn gay for me'."

 "Hey, I stand a chance, OK? No straight guy fusses over their hair the way he does."

I rolled my eyes, "Keep dreaming!" I joked. Jesse smiled and kept driving.

I was always grateful to have Jesse as my best friend. And as a gay, at least he could relate to boy struggles.

 "Shut up. We're going to fall in love and adopt two gorgeous dogs and live in a large house of Mason hill," he explained. I nodded sarcastically. 

 "Sure, Jesse. Remember that time when you were in love with Alex and had the exact same dream? Remember how that went down?"

 "Yes, Allie. Of course. Everyone remembers their first love. And it's OK that your big brother didn't fall in love with me. I'm too fabulous for him anyway. And he at least got every guy in the school to back off with the homophobic slurs. So there's that."

I smiled. "He put you right in the brother zone."

"Shut up Allie. At least I stand a chance with the guy I have a crush on."

"OK, ouch." I turned back to look out the window when memories of that night came flooding back. I quickly tossed them to the back of my mind. There is no way I'm reliving that. Not today.

"I didn't mean-" Jesse began. I cut him off.

"I know." Quickly trying to bring up the tone in the car, I continued, "I reckon you couldn't even get a date from Chad by senior years end."

 "Is that a challenge?" he raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

 "You bet your mother's chest hair it is!"  I laughed.

"I'm telling her you said that."

"Oh my god, Jesse, don't" I pleaded. He rolled his eyes in response.

"She'd find the humour, don't stress. And you know what, Al? You're on! And I want to make it interesting. I bet that I can get a date with Chad before you can with anyone in this school."

I shrugged my shoulder,  spat into my hand and held it out to him.

 "You're on Jesse Morietti."

"May the best man win," he smiled as he spat in his hand and shook my hand.

"Oh, I shall," I shook his hand back and turned to face the front of the car just as we pulled into the school.

What had I just gotten myself into? I had no chance of winning. And he probably knows that. There's a very good reason as to why I'd never win... Oh well. 

Let the best man win.

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