Chapter Twenty

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This is it guys! Last chapter!! D:  But dont worry, there will be an epilogue.. So I guess this is almost the end..

Hope you enjoy it anyway!


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James POV

I waited impatiently in the hallway, awaiting news on how Allie is. I was alone as Jessie and our mums havent arrived yet.

 I felt so stupid.

All because of me, Allies now fighting for her life. I can't believe that the only girl I've ever loved is now dying because of me. If she doesnt make it, my life would be over. Shes the only girl that I've ever had feelings for, the only girl that I will ever love.

"Wheres my baby?" Cecilia cried, running down the hospitals hallway, her high heels clicking on the polished floor.

"Shes in surgery," I told her.

"Oh my poor baby, how did this happen?" she cried, walking with me to the waiting room.

"She was shot in the chest," I informed her, helping her sit down in a chair. Cecilia began crying.

"Why did it have to be her!" she blubbered, putting her face in her hands.

"What happened?" my mother said, walking into the waiting room with Jessie.

"Allie was shot," I told her.

"Oh my," she walked over and pulled Cecilia into a hug. "It'll be alright, shes a fighter," she said, comforting her.

"How you doing, man?" Jessie asked, sitting down beside me.

"Not good, how about you?" I asked, turning to face him. His lips went into a straight line, as if he was trying not to cry.

"I'm fine,"

"Are you sure?" I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. His lips parted and he broke down into tears.

"I'm not good, James. My best friend could die!"

I pulled him into a hug and let him cry on my shoulder. "I know, its not easy. But you know Allie, she'll get through it,"

"Mrs. Monroe?" a male voice called. We all looked up and saw a doctor looking our way. Cecila got up and wiped the tears out of her eyes,

"T-thats me," she said, straightning herself out. The doctor walked over and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Im so sorry, she didnt make it,"

Cecilias mouth opened wide and she dropped to the ground. "Nooo!" she cried out, putting her face in her hands. "My baby, shes all I had,"

I froze. She didnt make it. Allie - Allies dead.

I dropped to my knees. The only girl I've ever loved- is dead. I can't live without her, I wont live without her.

My life is offically over.


JOKES! Thats not how the story ends... I just put that in there to trick you. Ha! Wipe up your tears while I go hide.

Go read the real ending and have a nice day.. :-)



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