Chapter Sixteen

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I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by the sunlight streaming in through the window. I squinted my eyes and rolled over and saw Toms smirking face. I screamed as I jumped away from him. I jumped so far that I fell off the bed and onto the floor.

"What the hell were you doing beside me?" I questioned as I scrambled up from the floor.

"Waiting for you to wake up, now go shower - we have a big day ahead," and with that he left. Such a creep. How long was he in here for?

After Tom did that video, he sent me to this room. In it was a double bed lining one wall, and a window on the wall opposite the door. The window had big bars across it so I couldn't escape. On the wall opposite the bed was a door leading to my own, crappy little bathroom.

The cut on my cheek was stinging, but I ignored the pain. No way was I going to let Tom think I'm weak.

I crossed the room and into the bathroom. This bathroom had to be the most smallest bathroom in the world. And for a bathroom, its not very hygienic. Everything is covered in dust. Luckily for me though, Tom gave me cleaning supplies so now my shower was usable.

I walked in and shut the door and locked it. I looked up at myself in the mirror and saw a huge red gash covering my left cheek. What was once my pretty face is now scarred for the rest of my life.  I sighed and stripped down and had a quick shower. I wrapped the only towel Tom gave me around myself and walked out into my room. Beside my bed was a small draw that had a few dresses in it.

Tom only gave me dresses because he said he loved to look at my legs - the sick pervert. Unfortunately, I wasn't wearing pants when I was kidnapped so I'm stuck with these stupid, skimpy dresses.

I shoved on a red one with a low v-neck and walked out of the room. I was immediately welcomed by Tom.

"Turn around," he ordered. I turned around hesitantly, and he grabbed my hands and tied them together behind my back.

"Good girl, now come eat breakfast so we can get going," he said and began walking down the hall.

"Yeah, eat without hands, that works!" I mumbled sarcastically. Tom turned around and slapped me right across my cheek- the one with the scar. I bit my tongue to stop myself from crying out in pain.

"Do not talk back to me!" he shouted, "now move!"

He shoved me down the hallway and I stumbled into the kitchen. On the counter was a piece of toast, no butter and no plate. He's so generous.

"You cant be serious?" I asked, turning around to face him.

"Eat it or don't eat it. I honestly don't care, sweetheart."

I turned to face the toast, and saw it just plainly sitting there - on a bench full of dust. My stomach stopped growling just at the sight.

"I think I'll pass," I said, turning my nose up at it.

"Fine," he grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hall and outside. The early morning sun blinded me, so I squinted as he dragged me to the car.

He shoved me in the back and slammed the door shut. I wriggled until my back was against the side and I put my head back.

The cut on my cheek was burning, and the pain was excruciating - but I learnt to keep emotions in check. Tom would just use them against me.

"Buckle up, oh well- you cant!" he let out a small chuckle and put his foot down on the accelerator. My body was pushed by the force and my head smashed against the back of the van. I swear the left side of my face just cant catch a break.

Its A Love, Hate Relationship. (Completed and under edit)Where stories live. Discover now