Chapter Five

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I groaned.


I pulled my pillow over my head.


"What!?" I shouted snapping out of my sleep. I sat up in the bed to see Jesse's smiling face looking at me. A little to close for comfort, if you ask me.

"Jesse, do that again and I'll kill you. I'm not a morning person, you know this, now go away," I scowled at him. I then grabbed the covers and pulled them up over my head.

I felt him get off the bed and I let out a sigh of relief. Now I can sleep for a few extra hours. I was up all night trying to work out what James is up to. I thought of every possible crazy idea before giving up at about 4am. I peeked out of the covers and looked towards Jesse's small clock on his bedside table. 8am. I groaned and hid back under the covers. It's way too early.

I snuggled up into the pillow and felt my self drifting back off into the wonderful darkness of sleep when suddenly the covers were pulled off of me. I turned around to yell at Jesse when a splash of cold water hit my face.

"Jesse!" I screamed as I wiped the cold water out of my eyes. I glared up at him and saw a mischievous smile on his face, with an empty glass in his hand.

"Oh good, so you're up," he remarked as he walked over to his closet.

I can't believe he just did that. And why was he all happy for? He was up to midnight with me, ranting over what could possibly be going on in James' mind. He wasn't much help.

"I'm gonna get you back for that," I threatened him as I got out of bed. I was wearing one of Jesse's old t-shirts and a pair of his pj pants. I got up and looked at the bed and saw a wet patch. His mum is gonna think he wet the bed. Oh well.

"Whatever," he shot back at me and then threw a set of clothes at me. I looked at them and noticed they were my own.

"Where did you get these from?" I asked as I set them out on the dry side of the bed.

"Your mum dropped them off, along with lots of other stuff," he said pointing to a pink suitcase sitting at the bottom of his closet.

"Why did she bring over a big bag for? I'm going home today anyway."

"No you're not," Jesse explained as he pulled off his shirt to put on a clean one.

"And why not?" I asked walking to the closet to find a pair of shoes.

"Your dad is still on a business trip and your mum got called to Washington for a big art exhibition thing, so your with us for the next two weeks. Your mum didn't want you home alone."

I sighed. "Oh, well, OK then," I resigned as I picked up a pair of black ballet flats. Wait, I'm here for the next two weeks, while James is here. Perfect. Being stuck under the same roof as him is exactly what I need right now.

"Now, get out so I can get dressed," I said as I pushed Jesse out of the door. This is going to be interesting.

*      *      *

"Good morning sweetie, breakfast?" Katherine welcomed me as I entered the kitchen.

"Um- yeah sure," I replied sitting down at the huge breakfast bar. Along it sat a big plate of pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, waffles and more. A big jug of orange juice sat on the end of the bench. That's the best thing about Katherine, she loves to cook. And Jesse, well, he loves to eat. He sat down beside me, and on his plate were three pieces of toast, two waffles, four pancakes, 8 pieces of bacon and half of the plate was filled with scrambled eggs. He is an absolute pig. I just settled on a piece of toast and bacon. I was just finishing when James walked in.

His hair was a mess, he had grey pj pants on and was shirtless. I couldn't help myself but look. I must have been staring for a while because Jesse gave me a nudge and I snapped out of daydream and looked up to see a smirking James.

"Enjoying the view?"

"Shut up," I snapped as I turned on my chair and took a sip of my orange juice.

"What did I say about controlling your girl?" James smirked as he sat down on my other side. "You gotta make sure she keeps her eyes off of these beauties," he said guestering to his abs. He sent me a small wink and grabbed a plate and began piling food onto it.

"Vain much?" I muttered under my breath as I took another piece of bacon.

"What was that pretty lady?" James said looking down at me.

"I said 'Vain much'? You're so up yourself, as if I would actually go after you. Don't hold your breath if you think for one second that your the type of guy I would go after."

"Says the girl who was fawning over me a year ago."

I jumped off the chair and stormed out of the kitchen and up to Jesse's room. James infuriates me so much. With his cocky attitude, it makes me want to hit him in the face. And I have to live with it for two weeks. By the end of this, he's probably going to end up dead, or seriously injured.

As I reached Jesse's room, I walked in and slammed the door behind me. Who the hell does he think he is? Mr. Hot shot.

I stormed over to his bed and fell into it. I stretched out on the bed and felt a small patch of wetness at my fingertips. That would be where Jesse decided to drench me. At least him being a jerk was innocent, unlike James. Oh no, James is a whole new level on jerk.

A knock sounds on the door.

"Allie?" Jesse's voice called from behind the door.

"Go away!" I shouted at him through the door. But of course he didn't listen and opened the door and walked in. I quickly grabbed a pillow and put it over my face.

"I don't want to hear it," I mumbled from underneath the pillow, "I know, I went mental down there over nothing."

"I don't believe its over nothing, he is a jerk. Maybe you over-reacted just a tad, but it wasn't over nothing."

"You don't think I'm crazy?"

He grabbed the pillow and pulled it off my face. "I know you're crazy. You always have been, but he did hurt you and you have every right to be mad at him."

I smiled up at him. "Thanks Jesse."

 "No problem Al. Now, considering 'the doc' said no school for the rest of the week, so what do you want to do?"

I smiled when he said 'the doc'. 'The doc' was his mum. She took the role pretty seriously, even though she knew nothing medical.

"How about we just go down to the ice cream parlor and just hang?" I suggested. I didn't really want to be near civilization, but the ice cream parlor was an exception. Jesse and I had been going there since we were kids, and it became our place.

"Sounds perfect."

He grabbed my hand and lend me downstairs and out the front door, without telling his mum or James we were leaving.

Jesse always made me feel better, even if he just pulled his goofy smile when I was upset, or came to my place with cookies and cream ice-cream and we sat and talked while watching re-runs of The Simpsons. He has always been there for me.

"Hey Jesse?" I asked as we walked to his car.

"Yes?" he responded looking down at me. He's too damn tall.

"I love you."

"Love you too Allie." He smiled down at me and pulled me into a hug.

That goofy boy smiling at me is my best friend ladies and gentleman. He is my gay, dorky, kind, sweet, lovable best friend. And the fact that I'm actually important to someone makes me feel happy on the inside.

Thank you Jesse, for making sense out of my freakishly abnormal life.

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