Chapter Fifteen

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"Get moving," Tom growled as he shoved me out of the van. I had no idea where I was, and I had no idea how I was getting out of this.

The sun was beginning to rise over the mountains in the distance and the trees were blowing gently in the early morning wind. I knew I was far from the city, considering all that surrounded me was mountains, trees, dirt and a single house in front of me.

When I thought of how I would die, never did I once think that I would be taken hostage and killed all because James couldn't pay his bills. Foolish boy.

I have faith in him and I pray that he rescues me. But honestly, what are the chances of that? I'll just have to keep praying that James will be my savior - because this is not the way I want to leave this world.

I stumbled forward as Tom kept shoving me towards the house. He had my hands tied behind my back as he doesn't want me escaping. As if I could escape from him, all the way out here. Dude thinks I'm braver than I am.

He opened the door and shoved me inside and I began to cough. The entire place was covered in dust. The couches, the floor, the stairs. Everything. It was not a pleasant place.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room on my right and shoved me in a wooden chair. He grabbed a piece of rope from the corner and strapped me to the chair. He then set up a camera in front of me, and hit record.

"Allie, say your last words to James," he chuckled and stood beside me, but out view of the camera. I guess this is it.

"James," I said into the camera, trying to keep my face as calm as possible, not wanting to show my fear, "I know that I don't deserve to be here right now, but don't blame yourself. Don't let him win. Don't come for me. Send my love to Jesse and my mum. Tell them everything will be OK." I fought back the tears as I thought about how I would never see any of them again, "Goodbye."

Tom smiled down at me with a look of pure evil. I refused to meet his eye.

"Good job Allie. That will make his little heart break. But we all know he's never going to let you go. Now lets get on with some fun, hey?"

He stepped in front of me and looked directly into the camera.

"James, these videos will come hourly. But she will never speak to you again. Transfer the money into my account, or you'll get a front row seat to her being tortured every single hour."

I flinched. Torture? He was going to torture me. I won't be able to stand the pain. I cry with an ant bite. Why cant he just kill me and get it over with?

Tom pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket, and slid the knife out.

"Don't worry sweet heart, this will only hurt a lot."

Before I had a chance to process, he brought his arm up and the knife slide right across my cheek, slicing it open. I cried out in pain, and he laughed sinisterly in response.

"Let the fun begin."

*                         *                            *                            *                            *                            *

James POV

Jesse texted me and told me to meet him in the park down the road from our house. I didn't see why he couldn't just talk to me in our own house, but I went with it any way.

The sun was beginning to set, and the air grew cold. I pulled my leather jacket closer to me and continued walking.

After about ten minutes, I arrived at the park. I didn't see Jesse any where in the park - instead I saw a small table with a candle on it. Christmas lights hung from the trees and the area was covered with red roses, a soft song in the background, setting the ambience.

Its A Love, Hate Relationship. (Completed and under edit)Where stories live. Discover now