Chapter Four

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"Allie, take a deep breathe"

Jesse and I were standing on his front porch. About to go inside for dinner with Jesse's parents and... him. Jesse held my shoulders and was leaning over so that he was looking me in the eyes. I nodded and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

I turned around and entered through the front door. I was immediately welcomed by Jesse's mum. Jesse's mum was much like my own and I spent so much time here growing up, she was practically my second mother.  Katherine pulled me into a hug and wrapped her arms around me tight. She always gives the best hugs.

"Oh Allie, how lovely it is to see you!" she squealed as she rocked me.

"Good to see you to Kathy," I smiled, running out of breath. She pulled out of the hug, ran her fingers through Jesse's hair and walked towards the kitchen. Jesse and I followed her in. He was sitting on the bench, playing with his fingernails. He looked up as we entered the room. His eyes lit up as he jumped down.

"Wow, Allie, how have you been?"

I glared at him and sat on a stool on the other side of the room. How dare he just talk to me casually like that, he had no right. Jesse ran over and pulled him into a hug.

"James! I'm so glad your here man, I've missed you so much!" James hugged him back, but kept his eyes on me over Jesse's shoulder.

"Missed you too little bro."

After what seemed like forever, they pulled away from each other. Jesse walked over and sat beside me, placing his arm around me.

"You two a thing now?" James joked and he leaned up against the bench.

"No, its called being best friends," I said as I sat up in my seat,  "you would know what that was like if you actually had any friends." I didn't want to be talking to him. He smiled at me.

"Ouc. And I was just joking Al, calm down," he said defensively as he sat across from us. Did he seriously just call me Al? I felt like he gave up the right to that nickname last year. Who cares that it started as his nickname for me when we were kids.

"Do not call me Al. You have no right to call me that!" I shouted as I jumped out of my chair. He widened his eyes, and held his hands up in defense.

"Wow! Calm down, Allie, didn't mean for you to throw a fit."

Of course he didn't. James never means to offend every single person he has a conversation with. I've only been here for 2 minutes, and I already can not stand to be in the same room as him. I turned around and ran out of the room and upstairs to Jesse's bedroom. Screw James. If he thinks he can just come in here, call me Al and act like he did nothing to me, well he can go f-

A knock sounds at the door.

"Jesse," I sighed as I got up from his bed, " I don't want to talk to yo-"

I opened the door to find James standing in front of me. I froze.

"W-What are y-you d-doing here? I d-dont want to speak to you," I stammered. I grabbed the door and went to slam it in his face, but his foot reached out and stopped it.

"Just give me a minute, please."

I was adamant- I really didn't want to talk to him. Not at all. My plan for tonight was just to ignore him completely, and get home. Not to actually talk to him. I mean, I guess I was a bit curious as to what he had to say.

I grabbed the door and opened it up and let him walk into the room. He walked over to Jesse's desk and sat in his chair. I walked over to the bed and sat down.

Its A Love, Hate Relationship. (Completed and under edit)Where stories live. Discover now