Chapter Two

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Ever since Jesse and I made the stupid bet, I've been devising ideas to beat him. The obvious choice was to become something every guy at school liked- hot and clueless. And there was one woman to do the job.

"Hey mum?" I called from the bottom of the stairs. Within seconds, my mum stood at the top of the stair case looking down at me, whilst wiping the paint off her fingers. My mum was a painter, and she was really good at it too.

"Yeah sweetie, whats up?" she questioned. 

"Well, you know how you said you wish I was more girly, well I made a bet with Jesse and I need to girl up for school.. You know, get attention?"

I looked up at her as her face just lit up, like a little kid on Christmas. Regret. Instant regret.

However, before I could take back my offer, she was down the stairs and was dragging me into her room. What had I gotten my self into? My mum always said I was too much of a boy, and she wished that I would let her dress me up. So, I guess when she finally got an opportunity, she was taking it.

She pushed me onto a small chair and was busily going through all the dresses in her closet. 'It's all for a good cause, you can do it!' I kept chanting to myself mentally. She finally decided on a small, loose summer dress that had an orange, red and yellow floral pattern on it. OK, so its not that bad, I guess?

She placed it on the bed and ran over to me. She was fiddling through her make up set and brushes. After setting everything out, she got to work.

After what felt like forever, she finally finished with me. She smiled then turned me around so that  I was facing the mirror.

Who was this beautiful person staring at me? was my initial thought. I put my hand up to my face to see if it was really me, and yep, it was because the reflection followed my exact moves. My mum smacked my hands away.

"You'll rub all my hard work off!" she scowled at me than began to pack up her things, "now go put your dress on and get going, you don't want to keep Jesse waiting."

I simply nodded, grabbed the dress and skipped out of her room. I put the dress on in the hallway as it was only my mum and me here. My dads at work, and its not like anyone is going to see me.

"Uh huh," I heard someone cough. That was definitely not my mum. I turned around to see Jesse slumped on our couch, facing towards me. I just stood there frozen, in my bra and undies.

"What on earth are you doing in here?"  I scowled at him. I then quickly remembered I was almost nude. I quickly put the dress on and walked into the living room.

"Uh, your door was unlocked," he said laughing at me before looking back at the tv. 

"You're lucky you're like family, or I would have kicked your ass." I said sitting down next to him.

"Well, no comments?" I said gesturing to myself. He just shrugged his shoulders at me. Wow, jerk. I grabbed my hand and smacked him on the back of his head. He shook it off and turned to face me, and he rolled his eyes.

"Wow, you're gonna rope in all the boys looking like that" he said sarcastically as he looked me over, "now get up. We're gonna be late."

I rolled my eyes and  grumbled, "We're not going to be late."

I grabbed my school bag and began to head towards the door, when he coughed very loudly. I turned around and saw him just standing there, looking at me.

"What, no comments?" he inquired, guestering to himself. I looked him over and saw that he dressed up for the occasion as well. He wore his black converses, with his skinny jeans and a tight button up shirt. He turned himself around in a small circle, giving me a full body shot.

"Gorgeous, make all the boys change teams. Now, can we go?" I asked as I began walking towards the door.

He nodded and pushed me out the door and headed towards his jeep. I jumped into the passengers seat and he hopped into the drivers and immediately began driving down the road.

"So, how exactly is this bet thing going to work?" he asked, never taking his eyes off the road.

"Well, we have to get as many dates as we can by the time the year is over. In the end, who ever has had the most dates, wins. That simple." He nodded in acknowledgement and kept driving. After a few seconds of silence he spoke again.

"What do we win?" he asked, this time looking at me.

I shrugged. "I don't know, I was kind of hoping you would have thought of something,"

He nodded and looked back out towards the front of the car.

What could be the prize? Where we go for dinner , maybe where we go on vacation next summer, cause lets face it, Jesse and I are probably going to spend every summer together until we die.

I was consumed in my own thoughts when Jesse started pushing my shoulder. I looked up to him, to see his face completely lit up, like he had thought of something good.

"I got it! I know! How about whoever wins, gets to dare the other person to do something, absolutely anything, and they cannot refuse, no matter how gross, sexist or embarrassing it may be," he said enthusiastically.

It didn't seem so bad, and considering I was going to kick his ass, I could dare him to do anything. Absolutely anything.  

"You know what? I love the idea. Especially considering I'm going to win and can dare you to do anything!" I teased. He chuckled in response.

"You, win? Pah-lease woman! I'm taking this home, just you see."

"Oh, is that right now? Bring it on sister!" I remarked.  "Oh look, we're at school. Well my pretty little boy," I said while caressing him face, "Game on."

I jumped out of the car, with Jesse right behind me. 

 We walked inside and everybody turned to look at us. A few girls looked me over and giggled and walked away and the boys looked me over then went back to their own doing.  No one had bothered to look at me in months, I guess today wasn't any different. 

"OK, I'm going to let you go now, so no funny business with the boys, got that?" he joked. I rolled my eyes, pushed him away and began the walk to my locker. As if, no one is even looking at me. No one ever has and no one ever will.

 I grabbed my books for first period, closed my locker and turned around. Everybody's heads snapped away from me and they continued with their chatter. I looked around at everyone but just shook it off and walked towards my first lesson. I entered the classroom and sat down next to Jesse.

"That was so weird," I whispered to him. He looked over at me confused.

"How so?"

"It was like, everyone was looking at me- but when I turned around they all looked away. You don't think this has to do with the-?"

"No," he shook his head. "They are all more mature then that."

"They're high schoolers, Jesse."

 Could people still be judging me from what James did last year?


I thought I would never speak that name again.

My life could never get that frustrating or humiliating again, right?

Its A Love, Hate Relationship. (Completed and under edit)Where stories live. Discover now