Chapter Six

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"Can I please have a two scoop waffle cone with cookies and cream ice cream and peanut butter?" I asked the young girl behind the counter.

She was young, about 13 with long brown hair and piercing blue eyes. She was very pretty, but she looked very nervous behind the counter.

She nodded shyly and walked over to the where the ice cream was on display. She scooped out my ice cream and handed it to me.

"Anything else?" she asked, typing my order into the cash register.

"Yes," Jesse said from behind me, " Can I have a triple scoop cone with chocolate, double choc and choc chip, please?" The girl again nodded then left to get his order.

I looked up to Jesse, " seriously?"

"Yep" he replied, popping the 'p'. I shook my head at him, then licked my ice cream where it was beginning to melt. Yum, peanut butter ice cream.

The girl returned with Jesse's order, but was walking back very slowly, staring at the ice cream intently. It was wobbling in her hands and she quickly handed it over to Jesse then typed his order into the cash register.

"That comes to $7" the girl asked peering up behind the counter. I went to grab my wallet out, when Jesse's arm caught it.

"My treat," he said as he gave the girl the exact amount.

"Thank you, and come back to Kate's Ice Cream Parlor soon," the girl smiled behind the counter. I smiled back then went over to a booth in the far corner.

I love this place. It has a 1950's theme. There's cut outs of famous celebrities like Elvis plastered all over the walls. There was a jukebox in the far corner and a disco ball in the center of the shop. It had a huge dance floor and red booths filled all of the walls, except the far one, where the ice cream bar stood. Elvis' song ' jail house rock'  filled the shop. The lights were dim, and the disco ball sparkled.

"Its been a while since we've been here," I said to Jesse as we took our seats.

"Yeah, it has. Been while since we've hung out actually," he said as he took a huge bite out of his ice cream.

"We had a movie night last night!"

"Doesn't count," he said shaking his head, "brother was there."

"Whatever. But speaking of the devil, any idea what he's up to?"

I looked up at Jesse to see he was looking over my shoulder, not paying attention to what I was saying. He winked over my shoulder, and curiosity got the best of me and I turned around to see who it was. A young guy with short, choppy dirty blonde hair and green eyes was walking our way. He reached our table and sat down beside Jesse.

"Hey, how's it going?" the stranger said, placing his arm up on the booth around Jesse. Jesse ran his fingers through his hair and relaxed into his seat. Uh oh, he's about to flirt.

"Good. Even better now that you're sitting beside me."

I nearly chocked on my ice cream and began spluttering across the table. This caught the strangers attention and Jesse's concern.

"You alright, Allie?"

I nodded and fought back tears, giving them the thumbs up. This seemed good enough for them as they fell back into their own little world.

"I'm Chris, by the way" he smiled and I took in a large breath, recovering from my near death experience.

"I think I best to be leaving now," I said as I got up out of the booth.

"We don't gross you out do we?" Chris asked concerned, moving away from Jesse.

Its A Love, Hate Relationship. (Completed and under edit)Where stories live. Discover now