Chapter Twelve

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James POV

I don't know how long we stood there hugging, but it must of been a while because the sun was beginning to set.

"James! Whats up man?" a familiar voice called from behind me. I let go of Allie and turned around to see the guy I wanted to see the least. As he walked over, there was only one thing on my mind.

If he says anything, I'm screwed.

"Hows that tracking device bracelet going? Did you give it to her?"

I mentally face palmed.  Shit. That's exactly what I didn't want him to say.

"Tracking Device?" Allie asked, looking up at me confused.

"Allie, let me explain," I pleaded, hoping she wouldn't be mad with me. I should have known better.

"So that's how you helped me before. How you were conveniently in the right place at the right time. You were following me!"

I didn't know she was going to be attacked by that guy. And if I were to be completely honest with myself, I'm not sorry I gave it to her. This is exactly why she needed it. Why she needed me.

"Allie!" I begged, holding onto her shoulders, hoping she wouldn't walk away from me.

"Save it James! I can't believe I thought for one second that you were a nice guy! You were stalking me!" she shouted, looking betrayed and hurt. The look of betrayal on her face cut through me.

"Allie, hear me out," I pleaded, but I knew it was no use. She was hurt. Really hurt. There was no way she was forgiving me for this.

"Oh, shit! That's her?" Blaze said, pointing at Allie in shock. I took my attention off of Allie and turned to look at him. "Sorry dude."

"I'll talk to you later. But you are going to pay!" I threatened, turning around to face Allie again.

"Al-" I began but stopped myself. She was gone.

I looked around for her, but she was no where to be seen. A sparkle caught my eye, and I looked down to see the bracelet I gave her, on the ground. I sighed and picked it up and held it tightly in my hand.

If only she knew that I did it to protect her.


It was earlier this morning, after I dropped that Max kid off. I was driving back from his house, when a big black pick up truck came out of no where and smashed into the front of my car. I spun off the road, and my car crashed into a tree.

I smashed my head against the steering wheel, and groaned as my head became overwhelmed with pain. I leaned back in the chair, and waited for someone to help me, but I didn't get help. Instead, I was pulled out the window and thrown onto the ground.I groaned as I cupped my arms around my ribs.

"We meet again," a familiar, deep voice called from above me. I picked my head up slightly and saw Tom Myers standing above me.

"How great it is to see you again," I said sarcastically, barely being able to keep my head up.

"Wheres my money, jackass?" he questioned, circling me.

"I don't have it,"I groaned.

He walked over to me and kicked me in the ribs, and I shouted out in pain, clenching them tighter.

"I'm going to ask you again, wheres my money?" he said, crouching down beside me, tilting his head to the side to look at me.

Tom is a bad person, leader of a deadly gang, a guy you definitely didn't want to mess around with. I asked him for money once to pay off debts on some drugs I bought, but I ran back here  so I wouldn't have to face him. But it looks like he found me.

"Go to hell," I spat at him.

"I went there once, kicked me out for being too evil. Now I was watching you, and I saw you were making googly eyes for a certain young lady. Get me my money within the next 48 hours or I'll take her to repay your debts, you understand?"

Allie. I can't let him take her. I know what happens to girls Tom takes, and I cannot let Allie become another one.

"Stay away from her," I growled, trying to get up. I got onto one knee when he kicked me in the face. I dropped onto the ground, spitting out blood.

"48 hours," he walked over to where my car was parked and covered it in fuel. He pulled out his lighter and flicked it on.

"Just in case you want to follow me," he shrugged, and chucked the lighter into my car. It lit on fire pretty quickly, and I watched my car burn to the ground. Tom got in his car, and drove off -  leaving me on the ground.

I pulled out my phone and called Blaze, telling him to come pick me up, and that I had a special order.

That's when I got the bracelet, cleaned myself up, and ran back home to talk to Allie.

I only gave her that bracelet to protect her. But could I ever tell her why?


I gripped the bracelet in my hand and turned to face Blaze.

"You realise what you just did? She is not going to forgive me for this, and now her life is in danger. Good job man."

I stormed past him, smacking  my shoulder into his, knocking him to the ground and headed into the direction I assumed Allie left.

I had to find her, otherwise she could be in big trouble.

I walked all the way home, considering my car was burnt to a crisp, and found Allie, curled up on the couch. She had a tub of chocolate ice cream under her arm, and chocolate all over her face. She looked adorable.

Snap out of it, James.

I walked past her and into the kitchen to get a can of Pepsi. Time to decide if I should play it cool or beg on my knees. I opened it up and began sipping on it. I heard footsteps then Allie came into the room, chocolate still all over her face, but now, she didn't look adorable, she looked pissed.

"James!" she shouted, crossing the room towards me.

Game time.

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