Chapter Nineteen

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Guys, this is the big chapter! This is where it all goes down. Next chapter is a conclusion of the story then theres the epilogue.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

-Isabella xo

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Allies POV

"You- he- out- huh?" I stuttered.

"I never thought that I would actually find you!" Alex exclaimed.

"Yeah, you found me. Now how did you do that to Tom? How did I not hear that?"

"Its a little trick I learn't from a friend,"

"Wait, if you were home, did you see James?" I asked hopefully.

"James? No. After a few days after you were taken, James disapeared,"

"Disapeared! What do you mean disapeared!?" I exclaimed.

"He was there one morning, the next he wasnt," he shrugged.

"Do you know where he went?" I asked.

"No, not a clue. Now come on, we got to get you out of here,"

"I have to go to Max's house, move over I'm coming through," I said as I got up. I grabbed onto Toms shirt and pulled him over the chair and onto the vans floor. I jumped over the seat and into the drivers postion. I turned on the car and turned to look at my brother.


"Yeah baby sis?"

"Thank you,"

He smiled, "No problem. I'm getting you out of here,"

"Hey Alex, how long will he be out for?" I said, pointing over my shoulder.

"About 20 minutes?"

"We better get going then,"  I put my foot on the pedal and we took off into the distance.


"Max! Max get out here!" I called out into the house. We just arrived and Alex was carrying Tom in through the door. By my calculations he will wake up in about 5 minutes.

Max popped his head around the corner and saw Alex and I standing there with Tom.

"Woah, Allie. What happened?"

"Tony hired my brother to kill a friend of mine. Brother saw me and knocked Tom out. Now I need a chair and some rope,"

Max nodded, "Sure thing. Take him into the loungeroom,"

I clicked my fingers at Alex and walked into the loungeroom. I grabbed a wooden chair that was by the window and put it in the middle of the room. I pushed all the furniture away from the chair and helped Alex put Tom on the chair.

"Heres your rope," Max said, entering the room. I grabbed the rope and tied Tom to the chair.

"Alex, check him for weapons, I'm gonna find something to hit him with,"

Max grabbed onto my shoulder and stopped me, "Hit him with?"

"If he doesnt answer my questions, then yes I will hit him,"

"No weapons," Alex said from beside me.

"Good, now let my fun begin,"


Its A Love, Hate Relationship. (Completed and under edit)Where stories live. Discover now