Chapter Ten

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2 Hours To Fight

After spending the past twenty minutes preparing myself for what was about to go down, and what I was going to do-I built up the courage to go downstairs and face the music.

I stomped down the stairs and walked into the living room, to be met by Jesse and Max. No sight of James.

I chose Max as my candidate as he was cute with his blonde hair and blue eyes, and has been crushing on me for ages-so I'm sure he'll go along with it.

"Well, hello Max," I said walking sexily over to where he stood.

"Uh, hey Allie," he said nervously, eyes wide, looking at me as I neared him.

As I reached him, I stood near him and ran my fingers smoothly up and down his arm.

"I think I hear my phone ringing upstairs, be back in a sec," Jesse excused himself and ran up the stairs and slammed his door shut. Which was pointless because I knew he was standing at the top of the stairs, spying at us.

I took a deep breath then continued with my flirting.

"Hey Maxie," I said smoothly, running my fingers up his arm. I heard a gulp and I knew it was working.


James POV

After taking a run around the neighborhood, I returned home, sweaty and out of breath. I hadn't been for a run in a while, so I was a bit out of shape.

Reminder to self, go for a daily jog.

I jogged up our front path and let myself into the house. I ran past the living room, but stopped dead in my tracks. Something in there caught my eye.

I slowly walked backwards and popped my head around the corner to see Allie and some guy making out on the couch. He hands were in a place where his hands shouldn't be.

My protective instincts took over and I stormed into the room. I put my hand on the dude's shoulder and ripped him off of the couch and off of Allie.

She looked up at me in shock, and then looked over to where the guys laid on the floor, in just as much shock as she was.

I picked the guy up and grabbed him by the scruff of his t-shirt and pulled him up into the air.

"Dude, what the hell?" he asked, his eyes wide in horror, his voice shaky.

But before I could reply to him, or hear a word from Allie, I brought my hand up and punched the guy in the face.

"Max!" Allie screamed out as she jumped up off the couch. She was too late, because Max was on the ground, knocked out cold.

She looked down at Max in shock, then up at me, fury in her eyes. She stood closer to me, and punched me in the shoulder. It didn't hurt, she can't hit for crap.

"You bloody idiot! Why did you do that!?" she shouted, looking up at me angry.

"I didn't like where that was going," I said in defense, pointing down at the guy unconscious on the floor. But my hands shook. Even I was surprised at my own anger.

"You didn't have to bloody knock him out! You are going to stay here, and when he awakes, you are going to apologize, say that you're an idiot and drive the poor guy home," she ordered, then stormed out of the room and up the stairs.

Good job James. If she didn't hate you before, she definitely hates you now. What a way to impress a girl. No, stop thinking like that.

I slapped myself mentally and sat on the couch, and waited for the stupid wimp to wake up.


Allie's POV

"Did you see that?" I asked Jesse, pacing around my room.

"Yeah, he puts in a good punch," he said nonchalantly , whilst reading one of my girl magazines. He likes pointing out how awkward the girl models look, and points out how amazingly hot the guys are. Gay guys, what you gonna do?

"I didn't think that was actually going to work!" I said, slumping down beside him on the bed.

"I know. Considering you probably scared him out of ever touching a girl again, do you think he'd go out with me?"

"Jesse!" I said slapping him on his arm, "not what we're discussing!"

"Sorry," he grumbled, flicking through the magazine. "Look how hot this guy is though!" he said, showing me a picture of a male model posing on a beach.

"Jesse, back on topic!" I snapped, clapping my hands.

"Sorry," he grumbled again.

This is going to be a long night. How am I suppose to talk to Jesse when his mind is on guys? I can't go downstairs, cause that will involve seeing James. I don't want to do that yet. I might just talk to myself that could work.

"Allie, what do you plan to do next?" I asked myself.

"I don't know," I replied to myself, "you could try jealousy again."

"Oooh, that could work," I said to myself, happy with my idea.

"Good job, Allie," I praised myself.

"Girl, you're crazy," Jesse said, putting down his magazine.

I started laughing at myself, and Jesse joined in. "Oh, I love you," he said, putting his head on my stomach.

"I  love you to-"


Jesse and I both turned our attention to the door, which James just slammed open. He stood in the doorway, looking a little out of breath.

"Allie, can I talk to you?" he asked urgently, looking straight at me.

"Uh-" I said, looking down at Jesse. He gave a nod, so I pushed him off of me, and hopped up.

"Uh- yeah sure," I said, as I crossed the room, and followed him out into the hallway. I closed the door behind me, in case Jesse wanted to spy and turned to face James.

"Yes?" I said crossing my arms, looking straight at him.

"I have something serious to say, and I want you to listen to every word."

I gulped but remained eye contact with him. My heart pounded in my chest. What could James possibly need to say? One thing was for sure, I needed to know.


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