Meeting her...

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~Naomi's Pov~

I got to the squad 13 building to see that captain Ukitake was there waiting for me.

"Um hello, captain Ukitake."I said kind of nervous.

"Oh, lady Yamamoto, good your here. How are you?" He asked smiling.

"I-I'm good" why am I so nervous around him.

He just smiled. "There's no need to be shy, lady Yamamoto."

"Uh, yes captain Ukitake!" I said.

This time he just laughed. "And there's no need to be so formal, please just call me jushrio."

"Oh okay, then you can just call me Naomi, capt- I mean jushrio." I said to him.

We both smile at each other.

"So, what did you need me for?" I asked.

"Oh yes, could you please deliver these papers to the squad 10 building?" He said handing me some papers.

"Of course." I said happily.


~Rankiku's Pov~

"RANKIKU, GET BACK HERE!!!!" I heard my captain yell at me as I ran away.

"Few, that was close" I say hiding. Then suddenly I herd foot steps coming done the hall. Looking be hind me to see if it was my captain, but it was a girl.

"Um, excuse me but looking for the captains room" she said to me.

"Aww, we'll aren't you cute. I can show you the way." I said.

"Really? Thank you so much" she said happy

"No problem" I smiled and I started to walk to the captains room as she followed.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Naomi Yamamoto. The new scouter" She said.

"Oh, your the head captains grand daughter!! Well it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm rankiku Matsumoto. Lieutenant of squad 10". I said bowing to her.

"Oh please you don't have to do that, I mean just treat me like a normal person, just treat me like I'm your friend." She said waving her hands back and forth.

"Hm, okay then." I said and continued walking.


~Toshiro's Pov~

'Damn, rankiku.'

I was going through my paper work when I found a profile for a new soul reaper...


It was that new scouter. Well as captain I should go through it to know everything about her... No. I can't wouldn't that be...weird. But I'm captain I go through profiles all the time.

I open the folder to see her picture and her strengths and info about her.

Wow, her sensing spiritual pressure is incredible. And it says here that here banki ability is off the charts. Doesn't say anything about her family information... Odd.

I look back at her picture... Wow she's beautiful-

NO! I can't think that. I'm a captain and not only that she is a comrade... She's the head captains grand daughter... But she's

"-Hey captain, whatcha lookin at" said a voice behind me.

"Rankiku, what are you doing." I yelled at her but it seems that it had no use on her.

"Oh calm down captain, I'm just seeing what you were doing that's all, oh what's this" she took the profile out of my hand and started reading it.

"H-hey, give that back." I demand trying to reach it but no such luck.

"Oh, she's pretty... Captain is this your girlfriend?!?" She asked smirking.

"No, she's the new soul society's scouter and give that back" I asked again. Finally she gave it back.

"That's too bad, I think you two would make a cute couple." She said.

"RANKIKU!!" I yelled.

She ran out of the room.


.:end of flashback:.

I lend back into my chair and thought about what rankiku said. My face went warm. Then I here a nock on the door.

"Yes?" I said to whom ever it was behind the door. Then the door opened and it was rankiku

"Captain, there's someone here to see you" she playfully said.

"Rankiku, I don't have time to play your silly gam-"

Just then a girl came in. It's naomi. I stood up and looked at her shocked face.

But quickly went back to my normal self.

"Um, yes. You wanted to see me." I said trying hard not to blush.

"I have paper work for you from captain Ukitake." She said walk to me giving me the papers but she accidentally dropped them in front of me. She quickly bent down to pick them up and I did as well. As the last paper still on the ground we both reach for it but instead of touching the paper we touch each others hands. There was a 5 second pass but it seam like forever looking into her eyes. After that she quickly picked up the paper and stood up. Then she hand the paper to me and bowed.

"Here!" She said.

"Oh um thank you...?"I asked but I already knew her name.

"Naomi, Naomi Yamamoto! She said.

"Ah, yes the new scouter. Well I'm toshiro hitsugaya."

"Well it was nice meeting you, but I have to go." She said.

"Of course" I said smirking.

"Oh and if you need anything just ask" she said smiling as she walked to the door.

"Okay, bye rankiku. Bye toshiro." She giggled and then left.

I sat back into my chair and continued my paper work. But as I looked up I saw rankiku smirking at me.

"What?" I said with an annoyed look on my face.

"You like her..." She said.

"I do not." I don't know what I feel but I'm defiantly not telling her.

"Oh yes you do I can tell by the look on your face" she smirked

"Your being ridiculous-"

"And your lying" she interrupted.

I just glared at her.

" just get back to work."

"Fine" she winded

But... She's right.


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