The Big Day

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6 months......... 6 months have passed since the day we found Estelle on that road all alone. Ben was over the moon to find that the girl he was messaging for months before the apocalypse was still alive. I just cant help but wonder how she had survived all this time on her own.


We all headed into London and grabbed what we needed from all the stores. We came down to the last store. Inside we had split up to make it quicker and easier to search the whole store.

"Sean quickly come over here you are going to want to see this."

I headed over to where Ben shouted me from to see he was stood in front of a glass jewellery case.

"What is it Ben?" I was slightly confused.

"Well remember what you talked to me about not so long ago?"

"You mean about chloe?" This was beggining to make me a little on edge now.

"Yeah, well look right there and I think you will be over the moon."

So I had a look at where he pointed to and sure enough laying there was a wedding ring. This will be perfect as instead of a normal diamond holder, it had an angel with a sapphire in it's arms.

"Ben this is perfect!!!!!!" I was over the moon for sure.


"Chloe! Baby please can you meet me in the cell block?"

Today was the day. I had everyone all set inside the block ready for my big surprise.

"Hey baby what did you........" She noticed everyone stood there. "Wait. What's going on here?"

I took my girl's hand. "Baby you have made me feel so happy since we got together. And now even tho the world has gone to shit you still manage to make me smile and have hope that we can take back this world and make it ours again."

At this point I dropped down onto one knee and presented the angel ring to her.

"Chloe-Anne Lettherd will you make me fully complete and the happiest man in the world. Will you marry me?"

Chloe's eyes started to tear up as a huge smile crossed her face. "Oh my god Sean yes, yes i will marry you!"

I slid the ring onto her finger and jumped up and gave her the biggest hug and kiss in the world. I had made her happy and thats all I had ever wanted to do.

2 DAYS LATER..........

It is the day of the big event. The event that was going to change all of our lives forever.

Me, Ben and Wolfy had all been out on a run to get all the supplies we needed for the reception. We even managed to find a DJ set for music as well as a ton of crates of beer of all kinds. We had managed to get all ingrediants for the cake of Chloe's dreams to be made.

My last stop, after finding the perfect baby blue tuxedo that I know Chloe would want me to wear, was to find my fiancé's dream dress. I had searched all over and couldn't find it anywhere. That is until I had come to the last store on the list. There it was, the white dress with a low cut top, big puffy bottom with gorgeous blinged out design. (Dress will be in the chapter photo.)

Everything had been set up and Chloe has just been sent to our cell to get changed as I was already stood at the altar with my two mates and my best man Andy.

Chloe's P.O.V

I walked towards mine and Sean's cell for what I got told was a big surprise. He has already surprised me with a proposal, so what else could he possibly surprise me with.

That's when I saw it. My dream wedding dress just laid out on our bed with a little note attatched.

'Dear Chloe,
Surprise babygirl, today is our big day and I know you have been waiting for this your whole life. Once you have got yourself changed come down to the courtyard. I love you so much.
Your Fiance Sean xxxxxxxxxxx'

Tears where already filling my eyes as this note was beautiful. I got myself changed and headed out to the courtyard to see that it had been done up to look exactly as I dreamt my wedding would look like.

My mum came up to me and held out her arm as she was gonna escort me down the aisle. I couldn't have wanted anything else right now.

Sean's P.O.V

The music hit and I turned to see the most beautiful sight in the world. Chloe looked absolutely gorgeous. Her and her mum arrived at the altar and her mum smiled at me and went over to her seat.

" Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Sean Dolan and Chloe Lettherd in holy matrimony"

We went on through the wedding where Chloe read her vows to me and I read mine to her. We were both in tears by the end of the vows and I just couldn't wait for the preist to announce us husband and wife as I just wanna be able to hug my girl.

" If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let
them speak now or forever hold their peace."

Everyone was quiet.

"Very well, then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride."

That was it me and Chloe rushed each other into a passionate embrace. We had done it. We were now married. Chloe was now Mrs. Dolan.


Hey guys, I'm back after a long time. I know I should have updated a while ago but I have just been so busy but here is an extreme long chapter to make up for it :) Let me know what you guys think. Thanks guys :)

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