What Is And What Is Now Gone

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The place is now hectic with the group rushing around packing things. I was smart enough to know not to unpack my stuff incase the worst happened.

"Auntie Linda can you watch Kenzie for me while I go for a catch up with Chloe? " I asked.

"Yeah no problem Sean" I knew my auntie loved spending time with Kenzie.

Me and Chloe hadn't seen each other for two months, so it was good to go into my room and have a little quality time whilst we could.

"I got to say I am impressed babe" Chloe started, breaking the silence, "You managed to stay alive this long with a group of 6. I didnt expect to ever see you again."

"Likewise with you baby, I never thought I would ever see you again. I thought the next time I would see you I would be having to put a bullet in your head as I know you wouldn't want to live as one of them." Tears were starting to fill our eyes.

"You're damn right I wouldn't. But I am glad you are alive Sean because I have missed you so much."

"I have missed you too babygirl......  and I love you so so much" I pulled Chloe towards me and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you too baby. "

Having Chloe's arms around me again made me feel like everything was going to be alright. A warm sensation filled my body and brought a smile to my face. We both locked our gazes and soon enough we were embraced in a passionate kiss.

CRUNCH!!!! What in God's name was that. I looked around looking as confused as Chloe did.

CRUNCH!!!! There it was again. Oh no that wasn't what I thought it was. And soon enough my fears were confirmed as the treehouse started falling. I grabbed hold of Chloe and we grabbed hold of the window and threw ourselves out onto the grass below. And with a deafening crash the treehouse hit the floor and fell apart.

"NO!!!!" Me and Chloe both shouted.

"KENZIE. KENZIE-LEE WERE ARE YOU?" I was now terrified because zombies were piling in and I hadn't seen a single movement from anyone else but me and Chloe.


Wait that was Kenzie's voice I'm absolutely sure of it.

"Kenzie where are you little man?"

"Daddy, I'm over here."

We found him. My Auntie Linda had covered Kenzie in her arms and threw herself down to protect him, however she now lay motionless on the floor.

"Auntie Linda no."

Now I couldn't help but fall to my knees and hugging my son tightly as I was thankful to still be able to see my little boy.

I felt a hand on my shoulder that I thought was Chloe's, yet when I turned around I came face-to-face with a zombie. I lifted Kenzie up and ran. As I ran I looked back and saw a group of zombies swarming and eating the flesh off my Auntie Linda.

I could see Chloe up ahead bringing the van around. Ben and Tara were stood there protecting the van. I told Kenzie to stay close to his Uncle Ben. I pulled out my two Glock pistols and started clearing out the zombies that were beggining to swarm our position. No matter how many we seemed to clear, the zombies came at us more and more at a time.

"Get in!" We heard Chloe shout from behind us, so we reluctantly grabbed our gear and jumped into the van. I turned my head to look at the crash site of our treehouse.

That's were we had camped. That's were we bonded. That's what is now gone.

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