The Z-Day Warnings

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I looked up and down the street and noticed body upon body of people I recognised torn apart.

"This can't be happening" I thought. "You're dreaming Sean, just wake up"

To no surprise I didn't wake up as I was already awake. I noticed a few moving people, or so I thought they was people until I noticed the decayed flesh and the dim coloured eyes. Speaking of eyes, I could not believe what mine were seeing.

I was stood amidst a real life zombie apocalypse.

I hesitated for a moment then quickly ran back inside and locked the doors. My mind was racing. "What am I supposed to do?, Where was Chloe?, Was she still alive?"

I switched on the TV and turned the channel to Sky News. There was Jeremy Thompson explaining how Blackburn was the first of many towns struck by a deadly virus, they said to execute anyone who had been bitten.

"Wheres my bloody phone?" I thought, so I rushed back upstairs and into Chloe's room. My phone was on the side next to the bed and the middle button on my Huewei G7010 was flashing. It was a missed call from.......

"She's alive!"

The Apocalypse - Z-Day BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now