The Unexpected Is Never Unexpected

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Here I was running for my life again. I forgot what this felt like. Being behind the walls of the prison for all this time made me forget about the world outside. I took this time to check what the pain from my shoulder was, and it turns out I have been shot. Losing blood fast I rip my shirt apart and use it to bind around my shoulder to stop the bleeding. Everything is going dark. What the hell am I going to do. I have no way of contacting the others. Am I going to die out here. Everything goes black. I have passed out from exhaustion.

Un-named P.O.V.
I am out hunting when I hear the explosions. What could be causing them. I made my way towards the scene of the sounds. Smoke is everywhere and through it I can see what looks to be the remains of a structure that looks like a prison or maybe something bigger I can't be too sure. I walk gingerly around the outer perimeter looking for any signs of life however all I see is the dead. Not a soul in sight but all of a sudden something strikes my fascination. A trail of blood leading away from the area. A fight happened here. But who between? I finally see a figure moving from the structure. This person looks very familiar.

I head towards them to get a better look. Wait a second the reason they look familiar is because I know them. But this is impossible. I haven't seen anybody I know since the end began. I straighten myself up and prepare myself for the confrontation to come.

"ANDY!!!!" I shout hoping they turn around. To my relief the person does turn however when they see who I am they rub their eyes in disbelief. It's like they have seen a ghost or something.

"Robyn...... is....... is.......... Is that you?" They shout.

"Yeah it's me." I replied.

"We thought you were dead." Andy pulls me in for a hug then leads me away. We sit around a campfire and he tells me everything that had happened.

"So you see, Sean thought you had been bitten and he almost got himself killed because he couldn't bring himself to kill you." Andy explained, "So how is it that you are sitting here talking to me right now?"

"That must have been my sister that had everyone fooled. I left Kenzie with her the day of the outbreak to go out and get some shopping. By the time I managed to get back everyone was gone. I came back to my grandmas house to see my grandma, grandad and aunt Emma dead on the floor. I thought the worst for my sister and Kenzie." Tears were now strolling down my face. Kenzie-Lee, my son, my baby boy was still alive. But suddenly feelings for the man I thought had long been extinguished started to come back to me because after all these years Sean kept his promise to me and kept our son alive. I have to find them. I have to get my family back together again.

"Andy where is Sean. I need to find him. I need to tell him I love him." Haste was now in my voice.

"Robyn I'm sorry to tell you but I don't know where he is or if he is even still alive. That's what I was doing back at the prison. I was trying to find him. He told us all to leave after his bitch of an ex Chloe attacked us. He said he didn't see himself surviving what happened next so after I helped Kenzie get everyone else away I went back to find him but couldn't find a body or anything."

My heart started to ache at the thought of not finding Sean alive. However my brain was telling me that I spotted a nice place to start searching for him.
"Andy I spotted a blood trail leading from the side of the prison. I think that would be a good place to start our search for him."

So we set off in search of the trail. I am coming Sean, if you are still out there, if you are still alive just hold on. We will be reunited again. I love you.

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