The Day my decision destroyed us

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It's been 4 years............. 4 long gruesome years since we lost our world for a second time. We lost it once to the apocalypse and then we lost it because of my decision.


What the fuck just hit our home, was that an RPG? I looked out at where the sound came from and my eyes widened in complete horror.

"Remember me losers" Came a very familiar voice.

Stood on top of the tank that fired upon our home was none other than my ex-wife Chloe. I couldn't believe my eyes. But very quickly my emotions went from horror to completed and utter hatred. How could she do this to us. Us....... The people who had sheltered her and kept her alive but now seem to be nothing more to her than just people she met along the way.

"Chloe what in the blue hell are you doing back here?" I asked in a far more serious tone.

"Well I'm glad you got right to the point." She replied. "I am here to claim what is rightfully mine. The prison"

"Over my dead body Chloe. This place was claimed by everybody here who helped build it up. You are no longer part of that and haven't been for 3 years."

This seemed to anger her even more. I could here all of the vehicles from the side of the prison signalling that the plan of evacuation was under way. The next thing I know I see figures standing at either side of me as Ben, Wolfy, John, Kenzie-Lee, Mark, Rose, Andy and Becky stood by my side ready to fight for our home.

"Let me put it as simply as I can for you." Retorted Chloe. "Leave now whilst you are still breathing or me and my people will force our way in and take my prison back leaving none of you alive. And for those of you who think I'm bluffing maybe this will show you I'm serious." Chloe then fired a shot.

A figure fell on my right side. "NOOOO!!!!" The deafening scream of my friends turned my attention round to the sight of our newest member Kat on the floor with a hole in her chest.

Everything came to a halt. As I gazed at young Kat, the whole world came to a stop. She was only 17. She had just lost her family and found our home by chance. My next choice could cost us everything. Do we stay and fight or do we give up everything we have worked for. A voice started inside my head, "Get up off your knees and fight. Fight for your son. Fight for your family."

"What the hell is wrong with you Chloe. I loved you, we all did. You turned on us and for what reason? You became bitter and put us at risk so we sent you away. Do your people know that story? Do they know how cold hearted and dark you became?" I was more angrier than I had ever been.

"I became what the world wanted me to become to stay alive." Replied Chloe. "Looks like you couldn't do the same........ Babe" she laughed.

"Everyone fall back. Find the others and find a new home. I don't plan on surviving this." This shook everyone. I pulled my son to the side. "Kenzie I love you so much. You have grown into a fine young man and you can lead our people in my place. Your mother would be so proud of you just as I am. We will see each other again one day. Go son."

As reluctantly as possible my boy and my family all ran for the side exit as I turned to face the girl I used to love for the last time.

I pulled my crossbow off my back and took aim. "You may think that I haven't changed Chloe but you don't know how wrong you are. I may not have become what the world wanted me to be but I certainly became who my family needed to be." And with that final moment I shot an arrow directly for her head.

Suddenly a man ran out from behind one of the parked vehicles and threw himself in front of Chloe protecting her from my arrow. This must have been her partner because as soon as she realised he was dead she signalled her people to open fire upon me. I ran ducking and weaving as fast as I could with explosions from the tank destroying the prison. Just as I thought I was getting away a burning sensation came over me and a searing pain from my shoulder started to occur. I didn't stop though. I continued running as far away as I could.


Hey guys.........
It's been a long time since I was on Wattpad. I hope this update can find its way into the amazing group of people who started to read my book so many, many years ago. A part of me has never been whole and it took me a while to realise that it was because I never finished my book for you guys but now I am back to finish what I started. You guys deserve an ending.
Thanks for all of the support in the past and hopefully I can hear from you guys again.

Sean :-)

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