Tragic Loss Becomes Greatest Gain

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Travelling around Blackburn had never been so crazy. I had my son Kenzie-Lee crying down one ear and Robyn down the other, however this wasn't bothering me because I was too focused on finding my girl.

2 months later .........

Two months have passed and I still haven't found Chloe. I am really worried now as there has been no contact since the fateful day the apocalypse began. I do wonder from day to day, "Is she still alive? Or is she now finally been re-united with our son Kendal-Leigh."

Yeah that's right me and Chloe have a child but she lost it at 9 weeks. "Stop being stupid Sean" My inner voice was shouting at me.

It was right though. Since Z-Day (That's what people are calling it now) the group has become bigger. Now the group consists of me, Robyn, Kenzie-Lee, my best friend Ben, his girlfriend Tara and my Auntie Linda. We have become stronger and stronger each passing day and we all have our own little jobs to do. I had the enjoyable job of keeping watch when people are sleeping and also being group leader.

However our streak of good luck was just about to run out. Me and Robyn were out on a run for more supplies as we were running abit short, we always go out in twos as its easier to slip in and out of places without causing casualties. We had just entered Tesco to search for food when all of a sudden Robyn decides she needed the toilet.

"Really Robyn,  you have to go now of all times?" I asked her a little frustrated.

"I'm sorry but I'm a girl Sean and when I gotta go, I gotta go."

"Alright just be quick and stay quiet"

I think I spoke a little too soon. As Robyn pushed the door to the girl's bathroom open a zombie pounced out from behind the door and took a chunk right out of Robyn's neck. I quickly took out my silenced Glock pistol and shot the zombie straight between the eyes. Now I know people say that you should put a person bitten by a zombie out of their misery but I just couldn't bring myself to shoot the mother of my child. After all how would I be able to explain that to Kenzie when he was older. As Robyn lay their motionless on the floor I started to wonder what I should do but by the time I could think of anything I stepped back in horror. Robyn was now getting to her feet.

She had turned.

The dead but still alive corpse of my son's mother Robyn was now slowly making her way towards me. I raised my gun but yet I couldn't pull the trigger. Zombie Robyn was now inches away from my face. Just as she pounced to take a bite from me I saw something silver skim past the side of my head and hit Robyn straight through her eye. Someone had thrown a knife from behind me and saved my life.

Tears strolling down my cheeks, I slowly turned around and my eyes widened. I dropped to my knees as I recognised my saviour in a heartbeat.

My girlfriend who I haven't seen in two months was now standing right in front of me after saving me from what would have been my biggest mistake.

"CHLOE...... BABY YOU'RE STILL ALIVE!" I shouted exstatically.

I don't recall ever being this happy except from the day I met her.

The Apocalypse - Z-Day BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now